Daniel Oh, Burr Sutter

Cloud-Native Modernization or Death? A false dichotomy. | DevNation Tech Talk

Are you familiar with the tight coupling of apps with their underlying platform that makes change hard or lack of scalability, performance, and flexibility of existing apps built with legacy technology or the fact that re-architecting apps cannot be done overnight? If yes to any of these, you probably think that you have “Cloud-Native Modernization or Death”. But what if there is another way that shows you the incremental steps to refactor the application to microservices and make use of Kubernetes/OpenShift to effectively deploy and manage it at scale on the cloud? This session guides developers on how to get started on their cloud-native journey, starting with monolithic application migration to a modern container platform using Kubernetes/OpenShift, and modernizing applications using microservices and Red Hat Cloud-Native Runtimes (Spring Boot and Quarkus).