What's in Kubernetes that developers should care about (and why)
Apr 13, 10:00 am
Elder Moraes |
Aren't you tired of over-engineering? It's not a secret that we developers have struggled with it, especially when thinking about container orchestration. You know, Kubernetes is cool, but… isn't it too much? Well, not if you only care about what does affect your life as a developer. And that is what this talk will show you. Come and join us to learn the tools, best practices, and approaches to take the best results from Kubernetes (as a developer) without feeling overwhelmed about it.
Liberation for your data! Capture database events into Kafka with Debezium
Apr 13, 11:20 am
Hugo Guerrero |
Do you face challenges such as gradually extracting microservices from existing monoliths, maintaining different read models in CQRS-style architectures, and updating caches as well as full-text indexes? Change Data Capture (CDC) can help you. CDC is a software design pattern that monitors and captures row-level changes to a database table and passes corresponding change events to a data streaming bus. Applications can read these change event streams and access the change events in the order they occurred.
Join us in this session to see a live demo using Apache Kafka showing how to set up a change data stream out of your application's database without any code changes and consume change events in other services, update search indexes, and much more.
Quarkus: Bliss for developers
Apr 13, 1:20 pm
Alex Soto Bueno |
Everyone is excited about Quarkus, the Kube-Native Java stack. Quarkus lets you create Java applications with a small memory footprint and millisecond-boot time, offering near-instant scale-up high-density memory utilization in container orchestration platforms like Kubernetes. These capabilities are helpful at runtime, and what about at development time?
We want to improve our performance. We want to spend our time coding and not building, running tests, or preparing external dependencies. Did you know that Quarkus has live coding mode, continuous testing, dev services to prepare an application environment automatically, and a dev console? If you are willing to boost your performance as a developer, come to this session and learn how Quarkus can help you.
Containers without docker
Apr 13, 2:20 pm
Cedric Clyburn
Recent changes in one desktop product generated many doubts in developer communities regarding containers. Can we still use or create them? Do we have alternatives to docker?
We have some answers! Join us in this session to learn more about some popular docker alternatives. You can create containers without docker, and you can also run and publish them. There's life after docker, and containers are here to stay.
Seven strategies for building majestic monoliths
Apr 13, 3:40 pm
Jeremy Davis |
"You shouldn't start a new project with microservices, even if you're sure your application will be big enough to make it worthwhile." - Martin Fowler.
We won't. In this session, we will learn how to build a Majestic Monolith (and build it) so that it can easily be refactored to microservices if and when the need arises.
The future is Kube-Native
Apr 14, 10:00 am
Edson Yanaga |
We've heard about Cloud and Cloud-Native in the past years, but don't be mistaken: the future is Kube-Native. Kubernetes is an open-source platform that runs everywhere, and ensuring that applications are Kube-Native allows you to reuse your super skills no matter where you deploy.
Join us in this session to learn how a common set of best practices regarding patterns and tools can help you solve today's challenging problems in monolithic and microservices architectures.
Secure your Quarkus app!
Apr 14, 11:20 am
Sebastien Blanc
So you have quickly built your Quarkus application in no time, but is it secure? Security is usually the thing we implement at the end, even if it's a crucial part of the application.
The good news: with Quarkus, adding security and identity management is a breeze. Join me on this 100% live coding session where we explore the different options that Quarkus offers to secure your applications.
Cloud-native resiliency patterns from the ground up
Apr 14, 1:20 pm
Ana-Maria Mihalceanu
"Delay is the deadliest form of denial." C. Northcote Parkinson. We live in times when an application or service lag of even 2 seconds can be too long. Building a reliable Cloud Native distributed system means preventing failures and minimizing their effects to keep it stable.
Join us to explore graceful recovery from unexpected scenarios using live coded examples of the well-known circuit breaker and retry patterns at the application level and complement those in the infrastructure (Kubernetes) with service discovery, load balancing, and load shedding patterns.
Solve your planning problems with AI
Apr 14, 2:20 pm
Jason Porter
Do you have planning or scheduling problems? You're not alone. Luckily, you have an optimized way of solving them. Let's use an open-source engine that supports continuous, non-disruptive, real-time, or overconstrained planning: meet OptaPlanner.
Join us as we dive into the realm of scheduling and solving. Learn how to use Java, Kotlin, Scala, Spring Boot, or more with this simple, lightweight, embeddable planning engine. Everybody has problems: let's use AI to solve them!
Integrating AI/ML into app development workflow made easy
Apr 14, 3:40 pm
Prasanth Anbalagan
Most enterprise developers are familiar with cloud-native journeys with Kubernetes, Microservices, and the Cloud. With the desire to add intelligence to applications, we need to integrate AI/ML into our workflow and even create the machine learning models ourselves.
Join us in this session to discuss how you can bring AI/ML development closer to developers and IT professionals. We'll highlight the similarities and differences between AI/ML and application development workflows and show how you can implement both on top of Red Hat OpenShift using the tools and technologies developers already use and love.