Mary Cochran

Mary Cochran's contributions

Call an existing REST service with Apache Camel K

Call an existing REST service with Apache Camel K

Mary Cochran

Create a Camel K integration that calls an existing REST service and uses its existing data format—Maven Java objects, in the case of this example.

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Unit Testing for Camel Rest DSL and Spring Boot

Mary Cochran

This article will cover how to write a test for Apache Camel Rest DSL with Spring Boot. Many people find Apache Camel unit testing a big struggle to figure out.  Luckily, when using Spring Boot with the Apache Camel Rest DSL testing, a Rest Route isn't too difficult.

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Writing Your First Camel Spring Boot Project With the Rest DSL

Mary Cochran

Rest services are becoming more and more popular for communication between systems.  Now that Red Hat supports the use of Red Hat JBoss Fuse with Apache Camel Spring Boot, learn how you can get started with the Rest DSL and Spring Boot. 

3Scale By Red Hat logo

3Scale Developer Portal Docs Per Application

Mary Cochran

Having Swagger Documentation on a developer portal is very important for developers to know how to use APIs. Since not all developers are using the same applications, learn how to use some JavaScript magic on the 3scale Developer Portal to show only the relevant docs for each developer.

Red Hat JBoss AMQ image

Securing AMQ7 Routers with SSL

Mary Cochran

AMQ7 is full of new and exciting technology and capabilities. However, with both routers and brokers now securing your topology can get confusing. Particularly securing the routers and learning how to use clients with them, using AMQP can be challenging for those of us used to using jks files and pure jms. SSL between Routers The first step in securing traffic between routers is getting your pem files for your key and certificate. These steps will also give you a...