Cesar Valdez

Cesar Valdez's contributions

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Accelerating the development of Node.js using OpenShift

Cesar Valdez

In this blog entry, I want to introduce a "different" way to work with OpenShift. In the typical way to deploy a Pod to OpenShift, we have available a set of very useful objects we have build/image configurations. This takes the pain from us by hiding the details about image construction but, sometimes we just want to see some code running in the cloud. Or we want to see if our service/application is able to interact with nearby services or...


Profiling NodeJS applications with Linux Performance Tools

Cesar Valdez

Using Linux Perf Tools The Performance Analysis Tool for Linux ( perf ) is a powerful tool to profile applications. It works by using a mix of hardware counters (is fast) and software counters, all provided by the Linux Performance Counter (LPC) subsystem that takes charge of the complex task of wrapping the CPU counters for the different type of CPUs. So you can have access to a very efficient way to get information of running processes through their C...

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Why should I use Node.js: The Non-blocking Event I/O Framework?

Cesar Valdez

Objective Some days ago, I was having an argument with a few Java developers about Node.js, they asked questions like “why should I use that?” or “what’s the benefit?”, I told them by memory that Node.js is an event driven I/O, and thanks to that you will end up writing very efficient server-side applications. They come back saying that they can get the same effect using threads. Thing is I wasn't fully prepared to explain the difference, I had a...

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Node.js - Harnessing the power of Java (for PDF generation and more)

Cesar Valdez

At Red Hat, we all love playing with new technologies, and sometimes we find gaps that haven't yet been filled. I want to take a few minutes to share a personal project I've been working on in my spare time. It is a native C++11 add-on that allows you to run a JVM in Node.js, giving access to the mature Java ecosystem of libraries and frameworks. Motivation I just wanted some mature PDF library in Node.js, like iText , PDFBox...