Visit Red Hat at booth D1
Stop by the Red Hat booth D1 to explore 1:1 demos and speak with our open source specialists. We'll be giving away Red Hat beanies, stickers, Command Line Hero coloring books and more, while supplies last.
Booth DemosBooth Demos
Develop Anywhere: tools for cloud native development
Tue Dec 11 10:40 11:00am
Tugdual Grall
An overview of the tools developers can use to build cloud native applications.
CodeReady Workspaces: A kube-native IDE
Thursday Dec 13 1:10pm
Tugdual Grall
During this presentation you will learn how Workspaces, powered by Eclipse Che, provide a browser based IDE, and developer pods to build and shape any type of application for Kubernetes and OpenShift.
Sample application candidate:
- Import a microservices application from a factory
- Get the project running in Eclipse Che Workspaces
: OpenShift command line for developers
Tue Dec 11 4:50pm
Steve Speicher & Tomas Kral
During this presentation you will learn how to create multi-container applications and see code changes directly on OpenShift.
DevStudio: integrated development tools for OpenShift
Wed Dec 12 10:40am
Tugdual Grall
Developers need a rich environment to develop JavaEE, Spring, Integration/Fuse applications and be able to deploy them easily on their OpenShift cluster.
Using VSCode for Kubernetes
Wed Dec 12 1:10
Mohit Suman
During this presentation we will discuss the architecture of tools based on Language Servers, and open API allowing the development of:
- Plugins for VSCode
- AI/Analytics integrated into all the tools
Going Serverless with OpenShift and Knative
Tue Dec 11 1:10pm
Paul Morie
VS Code Meetup
Last updated: December 11, 2018