Red Hat Developer

I’m extremely pleased to announce the release of Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK) 3.5 and Red Hat Developer Studio 12. Whether you are developing traditional or cloud-based applications and microservices, you can run these tools on your Windows, macOS, or Red Hat Enterprise Linux laptop to streamline development:

  • Red Hat Container Development Kit provides a pre-built container development environment to help you develop container-based applications quickly using Red Hat OpenShift and Kubernetes.
  • Red Hat Developer Studio (previously named JBoss Developer Studio) provides a desktop IDE with superior support for your entire development lifecycle. It includes a broad set of tooling capabilities and support for multiple programming models and frameworks. Developer Studio provides broad support for working with Red Hat products and technologies including middleware, business automation, and integration, notably Camel and Red Hat Fuse. Developer Studio is based on Eclipse 4.8 (Photon).

A number of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) development tools have been updated. These include Rust 1.26.1, Go 1.10.2, Cargo 1.26, and Eclipse 4.8 (Photon).

Our goals are to improve usability of our tools for developers, while adding new features that matter most for users of Red Hat platforms and technologies.

Overview of new features:

Release highlights

CDK 3.5 has been updated to include the following updates:

  • The latest Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is included, and it can be updated to newly released versions as they become available by using the minishift start --ocp-tag <version> command.
  • You can run the CDK against an existing RHEL 7 remote machine.
  • SSHFS is the default method for sharing folders on your host machine with the container environment running inside of the VM.
  • local DNS server is included to reduce dependency on and to more fully enable disconnected work.
  • CDK 3.5 is based on Minishift 1.21.0.


Red Hat Developer Studio 12 has been updated to the latest Eclipse Photon release. It supports the CDK 3.5 server adapter and the Red Hat login provider. This release supports developing apps in Java 9 and 10. As always, it runs on Linux, as well as Windows and macOS.

Additionally, Red Hat Developer Studio Central Plugins have been updated to include:

  • Red Hat Fuse Tooling 11
  • Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit 4.1
  • CDK 3.5 server adapter
  • WildFly 13 support
  • OpenShift SpringBoot-enhanced support
  • Connector for Nodeclipse to support Node.js

See Jeff Maury's article Announcing Red Hat Developer Studio 12 and JBoss Tools 4.6 on the Red Hat Developer blog. Plugin information is available in the JBoss Tools documentation. Eclipse Photon information is available at JAXenter.


Updates to Red Hat Enterprise Linux tools

The Go language packages in Go Toolset have been updated from version 1.8.7 to 1.10.2. This release fixes some recently discovered security issues. Notable changes include:

  • The results of builds and test runs are now cached, improving the performance of these actions.
  • Concurrent compilation of functions in packages has been added.
  • Type aliases have been added to the Go programming language. To create a type alias, use this format: type B = A.
  • The math/bits package for bit counting and manipulation of unsigned integer types has been added to the Go standard library.
  • The sync.Map type for concurrent access has been added.
  • The testing.B.helper() and testing.T.helper() functions have been added to enable marking of test helper functions.
  • The time tracked by the Time type from the time package is now transparently always monotonic.

Rust has been updated from version 1.25.0 to 1.26.2. Notable changes include:

  • The ability has been added to describe a type with the impl Trait construct without giving the type name. This construct is useful for returning unnamed types in situations where the actual type is not known, such as with closures, or where the type’s implementation should stay private. Situations where a type must be supplied in multiple positions in a statement still require type parameters.
  • Support for automatic pattern references has been added to the match, let, and other statements. When using patterns to match the inner parts of a referenced object, the compiler can now automatically dereference the object and reference the inner parts.
  • Previously, the main() function of a Rust program could return only the () unit type. Rust has been extended to allow returning a value of the Result type from main(), such as Result<(), E>, and to handle the error values supplied this way.
  • Inclusive ranges have been added. To specify a range that includes the last specified value, use a..=b.
  • Support for slice patterns has been added to the match statement.
  • 128-bit integer types i128 and u128 have been added.

Additional Red Hat Enterprise Linux tool updates include:

  • The cargo tool has been updated from version 0.26.0 to 1.26.0.
  • The cargo-vendor tool has been updated from version 0.1.13 to 0.1.15.
  • Rust Language Server (RLS) version 0.126.0 has been added to Red Hat Developer Tools. This tool enables integration of Rust with integrated development environments. RLS is provided by the rust-toolset-7-rls-preview package.

More information on these tools and others is available in our documentation.

As always, I encourage you to download and try out these new tools, tell your friends, and supply us with any feedback you have. Many thanks to the extended Red Hat Developer Tools and Program teams who, once again, delivered an on-time release on our 12-week cadence.

Last updated: November 9, 2023