William Henry

Office of the CTO

William Henry

Open Source, DevOps, and Cloud Strategist.

William Henry's contributions

Podman and Buildah

Podman and Buildah for Docker users

William Henry

What docker users need to know to move from Docker to Podman and Buildah and the advantages of doing so. Developers/operators can easily move to Podman, do all the fun tasks that they are familiar with from using Docker, and do much more.

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Summit Book Signing: From Pots and Vats to Programs and Apps

Gordon Haff +1

Not everything about computers and software these days is related to packaging, but a lot is. How can users acquire software faster and run it more easily? How should software be packaged up so that we can run it wherever we like? How do we resolve the tensions between the siren song of public cloud convenience and open source freedom and flexibility? In From Pots and Vats to Programs and Apps: How Software Learned to Package Itself , Red Hatters...