Ricardo Zanini's contributions
Auto-generating news and publishing it to WordPress with Apache Camel
Ricardo Zanini
This article contains a demo of how to use the new Camel WordPress component to auto-generate news posts and publish them to a WordPress blog. A soccer statistics API is used as the source and converted into text via a natural language generation (NLG) library.
Integrate RH-SSO 7.x with Liferay DXP using SAML
Ricardo Zanini
How to integrate RH-SSO 7.x with Liferay DXP using SAML protocol. The aim of this tutorial is to configure Red Hat Single Sign On (RH-SSO) to work as an Identity Provider (IdP) for Liferay DXP through SAML.
Auto-generating news and publishing it to WordPress with Apache Camel
Ricardo Zanini
This article contains a demo of how to use the new Camel WordPress component to auto-generate news posts and publish them to a WordPress blog. A soccer statistics API is used as the source and converted into text via a natural language generation (NLG) library.
Integrate RH-SSO 7.x with Liferay DXP using SAML
Ricardo Zanini
How to integrate RH-SSO 7.x with Liferay DXP using SAML protocol. The aim of this tutorial is to configure Red Hat Single Sign On (RH-SSO) to work as an Identity Provider (IdP) for Liferay DXP through SAML.