Ricardo Martinelli

Ricardo works in the xPaaS engineering team, and since the very first OpenShift release was involved in the technology. Also, is a passionate Java Developer and OpenSource evangelist, spreading the word in Brazilian conferences.

Ricardo Martinelli's contributions

Red Hat Wimplicit

TDC Sao Paulo 2017 and containers quality tests

Ricardo Martinelli

I attended The Developers Conference 2017 in Sao Paulo, one of the most important developers conference in Brazil, between July 18 to July 22nd. This was the 11th edition of the event (the event started in 2007 and they also had Burr Sutter and Edson Yanaga as keynote speakers) with 5 days of events and 50+ tracks, ranging from Programming Languages like Java, Python, and others until Big Data, Machine Learning, and Internet of Things. The audience only increases year...

Large community about containers

6 Reasons why I started using containers

Ricardo Martinelli

I've been using containers for nearly 3 years, initially working in the Technical Support team helping customers solve problems in their applications and giving advice about best practices to run containers. Today I work on a team where we develop containers to use in our OpenShift environment, and because of my Technical Support background, my troubleshooting skills helped me in this task. I run containers for most of my tasks and it makes my life easier. I can run any...

Jenkins Pipeline Builds and A/B Deployments in CDK

Jenkins Pipeline Builds and A/B Deployments in CDK

Ricardo Martinelli

The CDK 2.3 version has added the newest OpenShift Container Platform 3.3, allowing us to make use of the Jenkins Pipeline builds as well a special route configuration, which enables A/B deployments. In this post, I will show you how to achieve that configuration using a microservice application. Preparation steps Once CDK 2.3 is up and running in our environment, we need to make an additional configuration to enable the Jenkins pipeline builds. Since it is an experimental feature, it...

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Use Vagrant Landrush to add DNS features to your OpenShift CDK Machine

Ricardo Martinelli

With the release of the Red Hat Container Development Kit (CDK), it’s been easier to set up a development environment with OpenShift to create, develop and test your own containerized applications, and easier evaluate different CI/CD strategies with Jenkins --- strategies that reflect your team's unique culture. However, when you want to access applications by their DNS names, you cannot do so because there is no DNS server pointing to that name. That is, of course, until now! Vagrant provides...