Author photo: Rahul Kumar

Rahul Kumar

Hi Folks , Myself Rahul Kumar,  A passionate Full Stack developer currently employed with Oracle India. I have been part of many companies such as HPE R&D , Ericsson R&D etc. where I was responsible for building various Fault tolerant, scalable applications and solutions. My primary responsibility includes end to end design, development and application deployment over a variety of infrastructures including Bare metal, Virtualized infrastructure, Cloud infrastructure etc.

My Core technical stack includes JSE, J2EE(Servlets & JSP), building distributed applications via Web services such as SOAP and REST (Using JAX-WS and JAX-RS), Spring Core, Spring Boot, Spring data, Spring Cloud and Hibernate (An JPA implementation). From the Front End side, I like to code in Plain/Vanilla JS, Typescript and Angular.

I also worked for automation of complex products or applications over clouds such as Openstack( The Telco Defacto), AWS, OCI etc. using various devops methodologies such as Ansible, Cloud Native APIs , TOSCA etc.

My Current Research and Learning area includes IOT and AI.

Rahul Kumar's contributions

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An Overview of the New JDK 9 Release

Rahul Kumar

As many of you are aware, Oracle released JDK 9 on 21st September, 2017. According to Oracle, this is the biggest release in Java history after JDK 5 & JDK 8. JDK 9 has lot of interesting new features that will change the way developers code. I would liketo list of some cool, new features in JDK 9 that every developer should be aware of. This is list This list is an overview. For more detailed information, please review the...

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How to use JShell: An Command Line tool introduced in JDK 9

Rahul Kumar

Many of you might be aware that Oracle released JDK 9 officially on 21st September, 2017. After JDK 5 and JDK 8, JDK 9 is supposed to be the most effective release from application development perspective. JDK 9 has introduced a lot of new functionality, language level features and API enhancements for developers. This article is about one of command line tool named JShell introduced in JDK 9. Lets learn about it in short. What is JShell? JShell was introduced...

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Handling Exception Scenarios in REST API developed using JAX-RS

Rahul Kumar

Prerequisite : Hands on Knowledge of REST API Development using JAX-RS. REST Services has been an integral part of complex enterprise applications for several years. Developers generally prefer two APIs listed below for building REST API in their enterprise applications. JAX-RS – Part of JEE Specification with different implementations like RestEasy , Jersey , Restlet etc. Spring Boot – An OpenSource Spring Community Project best suited for Microservices-based applications. In this Article, we will learn how to handle Exceptions gracefully...


Know how RESTful your API is: An Overview of the Richardson Maturity Model

Rahul Kumar

Most of the time, I see developers are bit confused about the term REST. For some enterprise application developers, the meaning of REST is JSON i.e. if they are using JSON in their application, which means they working on REST API, which is not true to some extent. Let's take a look what exactly a REST API is. Let's say we designed a REST API. How do we know how much Restful API is? Some developers call it "Not Restful...