Lucas Holmquist Profile pic

Sr. Software Engineer

Lucas Holmquist

Lucas is a Sr. Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is focused on the Node.js developer experience on Openshift as part of the Nodeshift Project.

While he is not a Node.js expert, He does pretend to be one at work.

Lucas Holmquist's contributions

Running Microsoft SQL Server pod on OpenShift

Zero to Express on OpenShift in Three Commands

Lucas Holmquist

With the recent announcement that Node.js is available as part of Red Hat OpenShift Application Runtimes, I wanted to see how easy it was to deploy an Express.js app on Red Hat OpenShift. It was quite easy to go from zero to having an Express app deployed and running. I show how using npx and nodeshift.

Red Hat CDK

Node, S2I and Docker

Lucas Holmquist

(Edit: November 22, 2019) The Node images used in this post, both community centos7 and product , are no longer being updated and maintained. For community images, please use the Universal Base Image (UBI)-based node images located here: For a fully supported Product version of Node.js, please check out the Red Hat Software Collections Node.js image, RH SCL Node.js . Intro I like Node.js and I like Docker. While I am not an expert on either, I do pretend...

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Node Package Manager 4 --- Changes to Prepublish (NPM)

Lucas Holmquist

NPM 4 was released recently, about 2 weeks ago, and with it came some major changes. Some breaking, some not, but there is an interesting deprecation that happened with regards to the prepublish script. Currently, if you had a prepublish entry in your package.json: { scripts: { prepublish: "nsp check" } } This would be run whenever you performed a npm publish . Which is probably what you would expect with a name like prepublish. Another thing was also happening...

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Node 7 and Promise Rejections - Please Handle them

Lucas Holmquist

Node.js 7.0.0 was released just last week, and the announcement dropped a bombshell. I'm guessing the following announcement might freak some people out: DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code. While the UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning has been in node since 6.6.0 , this deprecation warning is new --- basically, it means you've rejected a promise in your code, but you are not handling it...

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Checking node.js dependencies with SZero - Never lose track again.

Lucas Holmquist

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on top of Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine . It is highly event-driven, and leverages non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight, efficient, and incredibly productive to use. It's that last bit, "productive", that I want to focus on today. One of the things that i feel makes Node(and NPM) so great is the ease in which you can add and use third-party modules. As most node.js developers know, to start using an external module...