Hugo Guerrero

Sr Principal Developer Advocate, Red Hat

Hugo Guerrero

Hugo Guerrero works as a developer advocate at Red Hat. He has spent more than two decades working in software development. During that time, he has held various roles, including developer, consultant, architect, and software development factory manager. He is a passionate advocate for a new way of building applications called AsyncAPI, and he volunteers his time to help spread the word about this technology. He also contributes to open source projects. He is responsible for maintaining the Microcks Docker Desktop Extension.

Hugo Guerrero's contributions

Red Hat integration image

Red Hat advances Debezium CDC connectors for Apache Kafka support to Technical Preview

Hugo Guerrero

After a couple of months in Developer Preview, the Debezium Apache Kafka connectors for change data capture (CDC) are now available as a Technical Preview as part of the Q4 release of Red Hat Integration . Technology Preview features provide early access to upcoming product innovations, enabling you to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process. Red Hat Integration provides Debezium connectors for capturing changes from the following databases: MySQL Connector PostgreSQL Connector MongoDB Connector SQL Server Connector...