Red Hat Developer Program

Openshift: The Polyglot Platform as a Service - Max Andersen

OpenShift is Red Hat's polyglot Platform as a service which allow you to run a large range of services in the cloud. In this talk I will give an introduction to OpenShift, what it offers and how it works. The talk will be in two parts. The first is about OpenShift in general and how to use it from the command line and the web console. The Second part is about how JBoss Developer Studio works with OpenShift and how it both coexist and extend the experience you get with "plain" OpenShift. This part will focus especially on how well the JavaEE and mobile parts of Developer Studio works with OpenShift. The talk is intended to be practical and guided by attendees question.  Max Rydahl Andersen was born and raised in Denmark, worked on health care software systems for some time.  In that work I bumped into this small project called Hibernate and had to fix a couple of things in it to make it useful.  Since then I've been working at Red Hat on Hibernate Core, Hibernate Tools, Seam and now lately JBoss Tools and Developer Studio.