Kamesh Sampath Burr Sutter Kamesh Sampath

KubeBoot: Spring Boot deployment on Kubernetes has never been so easy | DevNation Tech Talk

A DevNation Live session. Have you ever thought how to deploy Cloud Native Java Applications (Spring Boot) on Kubernetes? Kubernetes has now become a de-facto standard for deploying Cloud Native Applications, but still there is myth that they are not ready for Java workloads. The aim of this session is to break that myth to show Kubernetes is well suited for Cloud Native Java applications. The session starts with a brief history of Microservices; the framework, the libraries, the platform and the tools that have been part of every cloud native applications and how they become deprecated with Cloud Native Java applications deployed to Kubernetes. The session explores the cloud native characteristics such as Discovery, Blue/Green Deployments, Elasticity, Canary Deployments, Resiliency, Pipeline(CI/CD), Authentication etc., becomes implicit characteristics to your Spring Boot Java applications that are deployed on Kubernetes/OpenShift. In this session, we will see how to build, debug, deploy and discover Spring Boot applications on Kubernetes, covering in depth details of the tools, libraries and platform that could be used to make your spring boot deployment smooth and easy. Speaker: Kamesh Sampath Kamesh is currently Red Hat's Director of Developer Experience, most part of Kamesh's career was with services industry helping various customers build Java based solutions. Kamesh is the creator of vertx-maven-plugin(https://vmp.fabric8.io) and he has been an active contributor to fabric8 project. Being a OpenSource developer and contributor Kamesh's loves sharing his experience on building and deploying Java Applications on Kubernetes/OpenShift. He still loves to learn new technologies and strongly believe in 'ITS BETTER TO SHARE'.