Red Hat Developer Program

fabric8 - Java developer tools for Kubernetes and OpenShift by Roland Huß

Fabric8 is an integration and management platform adding to the Java developer's perspective of Kubernetes and OpenShift. It consists of multiple parts. Fabric8 tooling helps tremendously in deploying Java applications on Kubernetes and OpenShift by creating all the complex deployment descriptors directly from a Java build. In addition, fabric8 contains a rich set of DevOps Microservices which provides a flexible and automatedsetup for a Continous Integration and Delivery pipeline on a per project basis. It also includes an integration-Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) centered around Camel and ActiveMQ with rich visualisations and one click installations. But the queen of fabric8 is its web console which allows for a rich user experience for managing Kubernetes services, pods and more. With this in place even complex setups can be easily managed. This talk provides an overview over all these components and shows how the pieces fit together.