Red Hat OpenShift

Featured image for 3scale API Management.

How to visualize 3scale API Management analytics data

Srikanth Valluru

Get tips on exporting 3scale API Management analytics to external data visualization tools, using a CSV file and Datawrapper. This example applies to other formats and tools.

Featured image for secure coding.

Simplify API security with Authorino

Guilherme Cassolato

Secure open source, cloud-native APIs with Authorino. This external authorization service lets you configure it quickly via the Kubernetes API for flexible use.

Featured image for Red Hat Process Automation.

Deliver decision services with Kogito

Karina Varela

Develop decision services that meet DMN standards with Kogito. We use Red Hat's business and process automation managers for rules creation and optimization.

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Developing applications with microservices

Max Shapiro +1

Understand the advantages of developing and deploying applications with microservices. This article uses the Bee Travels app to illustrate techniques and benefits.

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OpenShift learning

Kubernetes is a system for managing container-based applications that also empowers developers to utilize new architectures like microservices and serverless. Learn how OpenShift builds on top of Kubernetes to create a powerful workflow that helps you focus on building great software.

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Red Hat Interactive Learning Portal

No matter where you are in your software development career, from just starting, to re-training, to expert-level but needing a brush-up, the Red Hat Developer program can help with tutorials and learning.


What's new in Red Hat OpenShift?

Find out what's new for developers in the Red Hat OpenShift 4.7 web console, including new developer quick starts, enhanced topology features, and more.

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How To

Learn Kubernetes using the Developer Sandbox

Don Schenck

Learn to create back-end and front-end applications using plain Kubernetes instead of OpenShift. The Developer Sandbox lets you gain hands-on skills.

Featured image for Red Hat Data Grid.

Create and manage Data Grid services

Katia Aresti +2

Learn how to make and manage services on cloud-based platforms with the Red Hat Data Grid Operator. This technique adds global clusters across multiple services.