Red Hat OpenShift

Node.js reference architecture

Building reactive systems with Node.js

Alexandros Alykiotis

Find out why reactive systems are especially easy to implement with Node.js, then walk through a reactive system built with Node.js and Apache Kafka.

Node.js reference architecture

How to build good containers in Node.js

Michael Dawson

Explore Node.js best practices for building good containers with faster development cycles and better deployments.

Featured image for Java topics.

Stages and levels of Java garbage collection

Aashish Patil

Learn the basics of Java garbage collection. This article covers memory management, stages of garbage collection, and how to monitor garbage collection.

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What's new in the Red Hat OpenShift 4.8 console

Serena Chechile Nichols

Drag and drop Spring or Quarkus JARs from your desktop, create and scale event-driven applications with Apache Kafka, and more in Red Hat OpenShift 4.8.