Applications using Eclipse Vert.x are fast, responsive, resilient, and elastic. They are event-driven, nonblocking, and can run on top of the Java Virtual Machine while offering many language choices.
In this cheat sheet, author Clement Escoffier provides step-by-step details to let you create your apps the way you want to. Learn about:
- Programming with Vert.x
- Reactive Systems
- Creating apps with Apache Maven, Gradle, and Vert.x CLI
- Verticles
- EventBus
- And more…
2.A Create a Vert.x application with Apache Maven
# Linux and MacOS
git clone https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-maven-starter.git PROJECT_NAME
# Windows
git clone https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-maven-starter.git PROJECT_NAME
Generate and Run
It generates the project structure and start the application in redeploy mode: your changes recompile and restart the application. The started application is accessible from http://localhost:8080
It generates the project structure and start the application in redeploy mode: your changes recompile and restart the application. The started application is accessible from http://localhost:8080
mvn package
An executable fat jar is created in the target directory.
An executable fat jar is created in the target directory.
Add the dependency in the
fileDependency management
Add the dependency in the pom.xml file
Add the dependency in the pom.xml file
Import the project as a Maven project in your favorite IDE
IDE support
2.B Create a Vert.x application with Gradle
git clone https://github.com/vert-x3
Generate and Run