Red Hat build of Cryostat

JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) for Java workloads on Red Hat OpenShift.

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Get access to Cryostat

Cryostat is a container-native Java virtual machine (JVM) application that acts as a bridge to other containerized JVMs and exposes a secure API for producing, analyzing, and retrieving JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) data from your OpenShift workloads. It can be used to fine-tune applications and troubleshoot performance using JVM metrics such as thread dump analysis, memory/heap consumption, garbage collection characteristics, and much more. If you have used JFR before, this is the Kubernetes-native build allowing you  profile and monitor Java workloads on OpenShift.


Try Cryostat

Try Cryostat

Try Cryostat for free using the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift.

Use Cryostat in production

Use Cryostat in production

Developers with a Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Red Hat OpenShift, Red Hat Application Services/Middleware, or OpenJDK subscription can use Cryostat. If you already have an OpenShift cluster, you can install Cryostat via OperatorHub.

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