.NET Core for Linux

Microsoft's decision to make .NET Core open source and cross-platform means it's time for Linux developers to get comfortable and start experimenting.

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A code editor with four icons symbolizing DevOps, developers, a gear, and a cluster.

.NET 9 now available for RHEL and OpenShift

John Clingan +1

The .NET 9 release is now available, targeting Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8.10, RHEL 9.5, RHEL 10, and Red Hat OpenShift. Here's a quick overview of what developers need to know about this new major release.

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Some more C# 12

Tom Deseyn

Explore C# 12 advanced features, including inline arrays, optional params and params in lambda expressions, ref readonly parameters, aliasing any type, and the UnsafeAccessorAttribute.

Featured image for Best of Linux 2023 that shows a computing setup.

Our top Linux articles for developers in 2023

Colleen Lobner

Check out the top 10 Linux articles we published for developers in 2023, covering new features in Red Hat Enterprise Linux, containers, GCC 13, and more.

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