Siamak Sadeghianfar's contributions

Install RHEL packages in container images using Shipwright
Learn how to build images and install RHEL packages inside their images through Dockerfiles using Shipwright Builds and RHEL entitlements.

Introducing Builds for OpenShift 1.2
Discover new features in Builds for OpenShift 1.2, which is now generally available.

Argo CD and Tekton: Match made in Kubernetes heaven
In this DevNation Tech Talk, help you combine the power of Tekton Pipelines with Argo CD for a declarative approach to CI/CD based on GitOps principles

The present and future of CI/CD with GitOps on Red Hat OpenShift
Learn where OpenShift CI/CD is today and how it's evolving toward the future through integrating cloud-native tools like Tekton, GitOps, and Argo CD.

OpenShift joins the Argo CD community (KubeCon Europe 2020)
Check out the open source Argo CD GitOps Kubernetes Operator for declarative configuration on Kubernetes clusters, now available on Red Hat OpenShift.

Speed up Maven builds in Tekton Pipelines
We look at how workspaces can be used to cache Maven dependencies in Java builds in order to remove the need to download dependencies for each build.

An introduction to cloud-native CI/CD with Red Hat OpenShift Pipelines
Learn more about OpenShift Pipelines, which enable the creation of cloud-native, Kubernetes-style CI/CD pipelines based on the Tekton project.

Using Ansible Galaxy Roles in Ansible Playbook Bundles