Note: This post is from 2016. For current instructions, reference the documentation. With DevOps taking hold in businesses ranging from small design agencies to large enterprises, there has been a real push to automate deployments and make them consistent. As part of this, maintaining configuration as code and utilizing a version control system such as Git or Subversion to house it is becoming more prominent. Tools like Puppet and Chef have been around for a number of years...
You obviously know what a LAMP stack is if you’ve managed to find your way here, but for those who may be unsure, the key is in the name (L)inux (A)pache (M)ariaDB (P)HP—a term that has become synonymous around the globe for building a basic web server with database and PHP functionality. There are a myriad of web applications, ranging from Wordpress to Joomla to Magento that all use this setup, and if you know how to get it up...
Editor's Note: If you have a Linux system that runs KVM and would like to try Red Hat Enterprise Linux on KVM, follow our KVM Get started guide, The kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) is a virtualization infrastructure many have become familiar with throughout the industry. This article will guide you through getting a basic KVM hypervisor up and running and ready for use. In order to fully utilize the KVM, you will need a CPU that has virtualization extensions...