Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat
Kamesh Sampath
Kamesh is a Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat as part of his additional role as Director of Developer Experience at Red Hat. Kamesh has been a contributor to open source projects for more than a decade, and he is now actively involved in open source projects like Knative, Minikube, Eclipse Che, Quarkus, and Apache Camel K. As part of his developer philosophy he strongly believes in LEARN MORE, DO MORE, and SHARE MORE!
Blog: https://developers.redhat.com/blog/author/kameshsampath/
Kamesh Sampath's contributions

Serverless and Knative: Installation through Deployment
https://youtu.be/-8fW1x5biCw Serverless, Knative and FaaS will change your workflow as much as any change to design patterns in your career. In this video, Red Hat's Kamesh Sampath will deep dive all about Knative. Reusable components that focus on solving many mundane but difficult tasks like orchestrating source-to-container workflows, routing and managing traffic during deployment, autoscaling your workloads, or binding running services to eventing ecosystems free developers to work on more interesting coding. In this webinar, we’ll install Knative and its...

Whisking Functions with Promises using OpenWhisk
Kamesh Sampath
In this blog we will see how to build a simple nodejs function that can do a reverse geocoding using GoogleMaps API.,and deploy the functions on to OpenWhisk

Configuring Spring Boot on Kubernetes with Secrets
Kamesh Sampath
In the Part-I of the series, we saw how we used ConfigMaps in configuring spring boot application Kubernetes. ConfigMaps are OK when we use simple configuration data that do not contain sensitive information. When using sensitive data like API Keys, passwords etc. Secrets are the preferred and recommended way. In this second part of the series, we will explore configuring spring boot on kubernetes with Secrets. The sources for this blog post are available in my github repo. Setup You...

Configuring Spring Boot on Kubernetes with ConfigMap
Kamesh Sampath
ConfigMaps is the Kubernetes counterpart of the Spring Boot externalized configuration. ConfigMaps is a simple key/value store, which can store simple values to files. In this post "Configuring Spring Boot on Kubernetes with ConfigMap", we will see how to use ConfigMaps to externalize the application configuration. One of the ways configuring the spring boot application on kubernetes is to use ConfigMaps. ConfigMaps is a way to decouple the application specific artifacts from the container image, thereby enabling better portability and...

Configuring Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes
Kamesh Sampath
When the developers plan to deploy Spring Boot application on Kubernetes, the first question comes to a spring developer's mind is "Can I use Spring Config server?" Spring Config server is a de-facto way of doing centralized configuration of a distributed application. Yes, we can use Spring Config server, but let’s think of some constraints that Spring Config server can have in a typical Enterprise deployment: No access to the internet from production. This means I can’t use the default...

Enabling LDAP Security for DataGrid Cache
Kamesh Sampath
Expanding on Tristan's blog, where he spoke of enabling security for JBoss Data Grid caches, in this post we will cover how to add LDAP based security to the JDG caches. The principles and techniques remain defined by Tristan, but there are some minor changes that I will be highlighting in this blog for a successful working configuration of JDG enabled with LDAP security. Before we jump on to configuring the JDG for security, I would like to brush up...

Spring Boot and OAuth2 with Keycloak
Kamesh Sampath
The tutorial Spring Boot and OAuth2 showed how to enable OAuth2 with Spring Boot with Facebook as AuthProvider; this blog is the extension of showing how to use KeyCloak as AuthProvider instead of Facebook. I intend to keep this example as close to the original Spring Boot and OAuth2 and will explain the changes to the configuration to make the same application work with KeyCloak. The source code for the examples are available in the github repositories listed below. Keycloak...