David Severiano
David Severiano's contributions

Canary deployment strategy with Argo Rollouts and OpenShift Service Mesh
This article explores the concept of cloud-native canary deployment strategy using Argo Rollouts and OpenShift Service Mesh following a GitOps model.

Canary deployment strategy with Argo Rollouts
This article explains the concept of cloud-native canary deployment strategy using Argo Rollouts following a GitOps model, including a demo.

Canary deployment strategy with OpenShift Service Mesh
This article explains the concept of cloud-native canary deployment strategy using Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh following a GitOps model, including a demo.

Blue/green deployment strategy with Argo Rollouts
Explore cloud-native blue/green deployment strategy using Argo Rollouts following a GitOps model in this demonstration.

Blue/green deployment strategy with OpenShift Pipelines
This article is about Cloud Native Blue/Green Deployment Strategy using Openshift Pipelines following a GitOps model. It explains the concept of Blue/Green Deployment, its benefits, and drawbacks. Finally, we will have a real Demo.