Red Hat Developer Program

Monitoring Application-Specific Behavior Using Thermostat And Byteman (Andrew Dinn)

Thermostat is a Red Hat monitoring solution for middleware that lets you capture performance statistics from one or more Java deployments. In this session, we'll look at an extension to Thermostat that allows it to capture and present arbitrary application-specific data in a variety of different formats. By integrating Thermostat with Byteman, a tool that easily injects Java code almost anywhere in a running Java application, the Byteman-Thermostat integration package can gather simple data or statistics and pass them to the Thermostat back end. The back end automatically displays it in a suitable graphical format alongisde all other monitored statistics. Byteman supports un-injection and re-injection of code, making it possible to gather ad hoc statistics and tune in to specific, problematic behaviors. We'll mostly proceed by demonstrating Byteman and Thermostat in action—showing how to set up and run Thermostat with Byteman in place and providing examples of how to gather several interesting application-specific statistics from a sample Java deployment.