Red Hat Developer Program

JUDCon:Boston 2014

WATCHING LIVE? Join the chat here: For this meetup we are broadcasting live from JUDCon Boston 2014 on Saturday, June 28th. The broadcast will start shortly after 9am EDT (13:00 UTC). The event comprises of a morning of presentations followed by an afternoon of hacking. This time, we'll only be broadcasting the morning sessions. Maybe in future we'll think of a way to do the hackfest too! Here is the agenda: 13:15 UTC - 13:55 UTC Quickstart Introduction: Mobile with AeroGear 14:00 UTC - 14:40 UTC Quickstart Introduction: Security 14:45 UTC - 15:25 UTC Project Introduction: OpenShift  15:30 UTC - 17:15 UTC Project Introduction: KeyCloak Technologies we'll be covering include: * Aerogear Unified Push Server * Keycloak - Security * Apache Cordova For more details: