Red Hat Developers

Camel riders in the cloud | DevNation Tech Talk

Apache Camel has fundamentally changed the way enterprise Java™ developers think about system-to-system integration by making enterprise integration patterns (EIP) a simple declaration in a lightweight application wrapped and delivered as a single JAR. In this session, we’ll show you how to bring the best practices from the enterprise integration world together with Linux® containers, running on top of Kubernetes/OpenShift, and deployed as microservices, which are both cloud-native and cloud-portable. Claus Ibsen, principal engineer, Red Hat Claus Ibsen is co-author of the Camel in Action books. Claus is a long time Apache Camel committer, and wrote a lot of the Camel code. He is a professional open source developer, working daily on the Apache Camel and ActiveMQ projects, as well as working with other open source integration technologies such as hawtio, vert.x and fabric8. Claus spends many hours in the Camel community to help others, write blogs, tweet, and help make Apache Camel a better product.