Kubernetes, Istio, and Telepresence: Developing & testing your code in production! | DevNation Tech Talk
Kubernetes, Istio, and Telepresence: Developing & testing your code in production! | DevNation Tech Talk
Do you have confidence that your Test and Stage environments reflect reality? Are they easy to keep up-to-date with production? Can you reproduce production failure in these environments or locally? What about that error you keep seeing on production that’s never occurring on Test or Stage? It's always hard to test new functionality before it reaches production. Even more so with the shift from a monolith to microservices and increasing scale. Can you still spin up the entire solution on your laptop to debug and test a suspicious piece of code? Testing on production is no longer a meme: It’s a reality and a necessity. Let’s talk about how we can leverage Istio and Kubernetes or OpenShift to be confident that changes won’t blow up your production cluster and your users won’t even notice a glitch. Join this session to learn how to safely develop and test your services in a real production environment. Leave with tools and techniques you can apply right away and with confidence!