Skupper is a Layer 7 service interconnect that enables multicloud communication across Kubernetes clusters. There are a few reasons you might need to communicate between a local cluster and a remote one in development:
- A service is deployed on the remote cluster, and you want to consume it with a local cluster.
- A workload is high resource-consuming, and it is not feasible to deploy it on the local cluster given the available resources.
- An existing stage/test database service is deployed on a remote cluster, and your workload needs to connect to it.
One of the best things about Skupper is that users don’t need to have admin privileges for the cluster to deploy it. See the article Let your services communicate across Kubernetes clusters for more information about the open source project.
This article will show you how to use Skupper to connect a remote cluster service with a local cluster using Red Hat CodeReady Containers and the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift. For a more detailed overview, refer to the Skupper getting started guide.
About the exampleAbout the example
In this example, I am using Red Hat CodeReady Containers (CRC) for my local cluster. CodeReady Containers is a developer tool that lets you create local Kubernetes clusters on Red Hat OpenShift 4. I have another cluster from the Developer Sandbox for Red Hat OpenShift that I can access from anywhere.
Step 1: Install the Skupper command-line toolStep 1: Install the Skupper command-line tool
First, install the Skupper command-line tool on your Linux system.
Note: If you are using a different platform, refer to the instructions in the getting started guide.
$ curl -fL | tar -xzf - $ sudo mv skupper /usr/local/bin $ which skupper /usr/local/bin/skupper $ skupper --version skupper version 0.3.2Step 2: Configure access to multiple namespaces
Step 2: Configure access to multiple namespaces
As the getting started guide describes, the skupper
command uses the kubeconfig
file and the current context to select the namespace where it operates. You must use a distinct kubeconfig
or context for each namespace, so it’s best to use different console terminals, tabs, or sessions.
Start a console session for each namespace and log in to your clusters.
CodeReady Containers console:
$ export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config-crc $ oc login -u developer -p developer https://api.crc.testing:6443 Login successful. $ oc config get-contexts CURRENT NAME CLUSTER AUTHINFO NAMESPACE * /api-crc-testing:6443/developer api-crc-testing:6443 developer
Developer Sandbox console:
$ export KUBECONFIG=$HOME/.kube/config-devsandbox $ oc login --token=<token> --server= Logged into "" as "prkumar" using the token provided. You have access to the following projects and can switch between them with ' project <projectname>': * prkumar-code prkumar-dev prkumar-stage $ oc config get-contexts CURRENT NAME CLUSTER AUTHINFO NAMESPACE * prkumar-code/api-sandbox-m2-ll9k-p1-openshiftapps-com:6443/prkumar api-sandbox-m2-ll9k-p1-openshiftapps-com:6443 prkumar prkumar-code
Next, create a new project on CodeReady Containers. For this demo's purposes, we’ll use prkumar-code
as the default context for the Developer Sandbox side because we don’t have permission to create a new project.
CodeReady Containers console:
$ oc new-project demo Now using project "demo" on server "https://api.crc.testing:6443".Step 3: Install the Skupper router in each namespace
Step 3: Install the Skupper router in each namespace
Run the skupper init
command to install the router in each namespace.
CodeReady Containers console:
$ skupper init --cluster-local Skupper is now installed in namespace 'demo'. Use 'skupper status' to get more information.
Developer Sandbox console:
$ skupper init Skupper is now installed in namespace 'prkumar-code'. Use 'skupper status' to get more information.
Now, check if the route is successfully installed.
CodeReady Containers console:
$ skupper status Skupper is enabled for namespace "prkumar-code" in interior mode. It is not connected to any other sites. It has no exposed services.Step 4: Connect your namespaces
Step 4: Connect your namespaces
Generate the connection token.
Developer Sandbox console:
$ skupper connection-token $HOME/secret.yaml Connection token written to /home/prkumar/secret.yaml
Then, use the token to connect to your CRC cluster.
CodeReady Containers console:
$ skupper connect $HOME/secret.yaml Skupper configured to connect to (name=conn1)Step 5: Expose your front-end and back-end services
Step 5: Expose your front-end and back-end services
Here we will use a back-end and a front-end service, as mentioned in the getting started guide. First, we will deploy the back-end service on the Developer Sandbox and the front-end service to CRC. Then, we’ll connect the back end with the front end.
CodeReady Containers console:
$ oc create deployment hello-world-frontend --image deployment.apps/hello-world-frontend created
Developer Sandbox console:
$ oc create deployment hello-world-backend --image deployment.apps/hello-world-backend created
Use the skipper expose
command to expose the back-end service so it will be available on your CRC cluster.
Developer Sandbox console:
$ skupper expose deployment hello-world-backend --port 8080 --protocol http
As you can see, once you expose a service using Skupper, it is visible to the CRC cluster.
CodeReady Containers console:
$ oc get svc NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE hello-world-backend ClusterIP <none> 8080/TCP 96s
Finally, test your front-end application to verify it can communicate with the back-end service.
CodeReady Containers console:
$ oc expose deployment hello-world-frontend --port 8080 service/hello-world-frontend exposed $ oc expose svc hello-world-frontend exposed $ curl hello-world-frontend-demo.apps-crc.testing I am the frontend. The backend says 'Hello from hello-world-backend-7dfb45b98d-j8q8t (2)'.Conclusion
As we saw in this article, Skupper comes in handy when two clusters need to be connected, and CodeReady Containers provides a great local experience for OpenShift. Happy Skuppering!
Last updated: February 5, 2024