We are pleased to introduce Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces version 1.2, which provides a cloud developer workspace server and browser-based IDE built for teams and organizations. CodeReady Workspaces includes ready-to-use developer stacks for most of the popular programming languages, frameworks, and Red Hat technologies.
Release overviewRelease overview
Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 introduces:
- Compatibility with Red Hat OpenShift 4.1
- New UBI 8-based developer stacks
Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 is available today in the Red Hat Container Catalog. Install it on OpenShift Container Platform or OpenShift Dedicated, starting at version 3.11, by following the instructions in the Administration Guide.
For OpenShift 4.0 or 4.1, CodeReady Workspaces 1.2 is available today from the OperatorHub. Based on a new operator that leverages the Operator Lifecycle Manager, the installation flow is getting simpler and can be handled without leaving the OpenShift Console. If you already have Red Hat OpenShift 4.0 or 4.1, get CodeReady Workspaces from the OperatorHub and follow the dedicated documentation.
Notable enhancementsNotable enhancements
Compatibility with OpenShift 4.x
CodeReady Workspaces is now compatible with OpenShift 4.0 and OpenShift 4.1 and gets a dedicated operator leveraging the Operator Lifecycle Manager. Now available in Developer Preview, CodeReady Workspaces can be installed from the OpenShift 4.0 Operator Hub.
New UBI 8 based developer stacks
CodeReady Workspaces is now providing default developer stacks for different technologies based on Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI). All existing stacks have been updated to UBI 8 so you can take advantage of the latest and greatest official Red Hat container images.
In addition to those changes, we added a new developer stack for Node.js 10. The other default stacks have been updated with the latest versions of the different embedded technologies.
Supported environmentsSupported environments
Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces for OpenShift can be installed on Openshift Container Platform or OpenShift Dedicated starting at version 3.11.
Last updated: November 8, 2023