Just like winter, The Developer's Conference (TDC) and the Red Hat Developers group are arriving at São Paulo from July 5th to July 9th, 2016. We are all very excited to meet one of the largest development conferences in Brazil (if not the largest) that encompasses a whole set of developers from a myriad of different communities. It doesn't matter the technology, chances are you'll find your peers at São Paulo in this mild winter (and we're sure that for many outsiders, it feels like summer: temperatures this week will reach up to 28ºC or 83ºF).
This year we're going to have the largest Red Hat presence ever at TDC, with many Red Hatters as track leads and a dozen of talks presented by Red Hat engineers. And of course Red Hat developers is sponsoring the event with thousands of swag to give away (but hurry up if you want some). Please be welcome to visit our booth and chat a bit with our staff and engineers that will be more than happy to assist you in anything related to Red Hat technologies.
Check out what Red Hat will be delivering on TDC São Paulo:
Tracks led by Red Hatters:
- Microservices (Edson Yanaga)
- DevOps Java (Edson Yanaga)
- Cloud Computing (Edson Yanaga)
- Education (Wellington Carlos Lopes)
- Python (Bruno Rocha)
Sessions presented by Red Hatters (Track - Presenter - Title):
- Microservices - Edson Yanaga - A Jornada de um Desenvolvedor do Monolito aos Microserviços
- .NET - Edson Yanaga & Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira - Novas Oportunidades para o .NET com a parceria Microsoft e Red Hat
- Java EE - Eder Ignatowicz - Construindo aplicações HTML5 em Java
- Java EE - Edson Yanaga - Novos recursos do Hibernate 5 que você ainda não conhece
- Education - Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira - O guia da Carreira Open Source
- Arquitetura Java - Edson Yanaga - Desenvolva e Execute Aplicações Feitas para a Nuvem numa Arquitetura de Microserviços
- Cloud Computing - Edson Yanaga - Kubernetes para Desenvolvedores Docker
- Trilha Education - Wellington Lopes - Mesa Redonda
- Java - Eder Ignatowicz - Código funcional em Java: superando o hype
- Ruby - Guilherme Carreiro Gomes - Action Cable em Ação
- Java - Ricardo Martinelli de Oliveira - Colocando lenha na JVM - Uma introdução ao Thermostat
- Python - Bruno Rocha - Lightning talks
- Python4Kids - Bruno Rocha - Workshop
See you soon São Paulo! We'll be there to enjoy the pizza, the steakhouses, and thousands and thousands of developers avid to be empowered by Red Hat!
Last updated: February 6, 2024