Tomas Tomecek

Tomas Tomecek's contributions

Containers Image

Configuring Containerized Services

Tomas Tomecek

I’m assuming you’ve already tried to run some example of a multi-container application. Let’s say we have an application composed of the following: Web service Database Key-value store Worker Let’s focus on the database now. Container images for databases usually come with an easy way to configure them via environment variables. The great thing about this approach is how easy to use it is, e.g. let’s take our RHSCL PostgreSQL 9.5 container image. If you try to run it just...

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Automated deployment of RPM-packaged django applications with Red Hat Software Collections

Tomas Tomecek

Introduction There has been already two ( first and second) guides which covered installing django using Red Hat Software Collections (RHSCL). While very popular, none of them went far enough to show a real world deployment example. This guide will try to provide full guidance together with sample project. I chose django 1.7 (as of time writing this guide, it's still in RC) because in a couple of months, it will be used by many and in a year or...