Stephen Nimmo

Senior Specialist Solution Architect

Stephen Nimmo

Stephen is a Senior Specialist Solution Architect for Red Hat focused on OpenShift, integration and custom application development. He is an experienced solution architect and project manager including over a decade of consulting experience across a variety of energy and financial services companies. He is a champion of agile development and operations methodologies with particular interest in areas such as development team productivity and building a healthy DevOps culture.

Stephen Nimmo's contributions

Java + Quarkus 2

REST API error modeling with Quarkus 2.0

Stephen Nimmo

Dive into REST API error handling with Quarkus. Build a better error response model and see how you can help API consumers reduce toil in their work.

Featured image for Java topics.

Build a FIX engine using Quickfix/J and Quarkus

Stephen Nimmo

Learn how to use the QuickFIX/J engine to build an application for electronic trading over the FIX protocol. We also show why running it in Quarkus adds value.

Featured image for Apache Camel K with Red Hat OpenShift.

Leader election in Kubernetes using Apache Camel

Stephen Nimmo

Get the most from Kubernetes no matter the workload by implementing leader election. Learn how to use Apache Camel to develop solutions for your project.