Sebastien Blanc's contributions
The Red Hat Cloud way: Event-driven, serverless, distributed cloud services to support modern apps
Natale Vinto
Red Hat Summit 2022 is approaching and here's what we will bring to the developer track.
What's your favorite Kubernetes feature? Hear from the experts
Sebastien Blanc
In every episode of DevNation: The Show, guests are asked: "What is your favorite Kubernetes feature?" Check out their answers and then check out The Show!
Using Kubernetes ConfigMaps to define your Quarkus application's properties
Sebastien Blanc
Walk through an example of how to deploy a simple Quarkus application to a Kubernetes cluster, which requires adjustments to your application's properties.
Easily secure your Spring Boot applications with Keycloak
Sebastien Blanc
What is Keycloak? Although security is a crucial aspect of any application, its implementation can be difficult. Worse, it is often neglected, poorly implemented and intrusive in the code. But lately, security servers have appeared which allow for outsourcing and delegating all the authentication and authorization aspects. Of these servers, one of the most promising is Keycloak, open-source, flexible, and agnostic of any technology, it is easily deployable/adaptable in its own infrastructure. Moreover, Keycloak is more than just an authentication...

The Red Hat Cloud way: Event-driven, serverless, distributed cloud services to support modern apps
Natale Vinto
Red Hat Summit 2022 is approaching and here's what we will bring to the developer track.

What's your favorite Kubernetes feature? Hear from the experts
Sebastien Blanc
In every episode of DevNation: The Show, guests are asked: "What is your favorite Kubernetes feature?" Check out their answers and then check out The Show!

Using Kubernetes ConfigMaps to define your Quarkus application's properties
Sebastien Blanc
Walk through an example of how to deploy a simple Quarkus application to a Kubernetes cluster, which requires adjustments to your application's properties.

Easily secure your Spring Boot applications with Keycloak
Sebastien Blanc
What is Keycloak? Although security is a crucial aspect of any application, its implementation can be difficult. Worse, it is often neglected, poorly implemented and intrusive in the code. But lately, security servers have appeared which allow for outsourcing and delegating all the authentication and authorization aspects. Of these servers, one of the most promising is Keycloak, open-source, flexible, and agnostic of any technology, it is easily deployable/adaptable in its own infrastructure. Moreover, Keycloak is more than just an authentication...