Rich Sharples
Rich Sharples's contributions

Red Hat and Apache OpenWhisk
Rich Sharples
Unless you’ve been on a complete media blackout for the last year or so (entirely understandable) you’ve likely heard a lot about Serverless (or FaaS - Function as a Service). Serverless is a major shift in the way developers build and deliver software systems - it greatly simplifies development by insulating the developer from infrastructure concerns and pushes the envelope on cost and efficiency of execution. Various groups at Red Hat have been investigating Serverless for some time now -...

MicroProfile - Collaborating to bring Microservices to Enterprise Java
Rich Sharples
Today at the DevNation conference in San Francisco, Red Hat’s Mark Little was joined on-stage by Alasdair Nottingham from IBM, Theresa Nguyen from Tomitribe, Mike Croft from Payara and Martijn Verburg from the London Java Community to announce a new community collaboration - MicroProfile - whose goal is to make it easier for developers to use familiar Java EE technologies and APIs for building microservice applications. Mark talked about some of the reasons Java EE has established itself as the...