Nikhil Chawla
Nikhil Chawla is a university Grad.(year 2017) , who has been working on projects based on Internet Of Things(IOT), Service Oriented Architecture(SOA), Machine Learning and has been doing experiments.
He is also an active Open Source Contributor who contributed in projects like, Docker, Glusterfs, SUSE, Hyperledger.
He has also worked as an intern for the "Hyperledger Project" driven by "The Linux Foundation", and contributed to the blockchain project named Fabric-1.0 and Cello.
Now, he is in "redhat" , working as an Performance and Scale Engineering Intern.
Nikhil Chawla's contributions

Connecting Kubernetes and Docker
Nikhil Chawla
This blog to help my fellow developers who are working on "Docker" and " Kubernetes" simultaneously. Because, they know that Kubernetes runs over docker-engine but there is a catch, that: 1. Containers running on Docker, and 2. Containers running inside of a Kubernetes Pod, are absolutely running isolated, without even knowing each other's existence. But, we are developers, so there are chances where we might come across a situation where we desperately need to let the Docker formatted containers communicate...