Maria Arias de Reyna Dominguez
María Arias de Reyna is a Java Senior Software Engineer, geospatial enthusiast and Open Source advocator.
She has been a community leader and core maintainer of several free and open source projects since 2004. She is currently working at Red Hat where she focuses on Middleware and maintains Apache Camel and Syndesis.
María is an experienced keynoter and speaker. Between 2017 and 2019 María was the elected President of OSGeo, the Open Source Geospatial Foundation which serves as an umbrella for the most used geospatial free and open source software. She is also well known as a feminist and Women In Tech activist.
Maria Arias de Reyna Dominguez's contributions
No-code and low-code integrations with Camel and Kaoto
Maria Arias de Reyna Dominguez
This article shows how to integrate new components and protocols into an application without a clunky user interface or spaghetti code.
Using GeoJSON with Apache Camel K for spatial data transformation
Maria Arias de Reyna Dominguez
Learn how to use Camel K and GeoJSON to create a workflow that aggregates and transforms spatial data from different sources.
Working with big spatial data workflows (or, what would John Snow do?)
Maria Arias de Reyna Dominguez
Learn how important spatial data is, and tour the tools you might need to use this massive amount of data well and with as little manual work as possible.

No-code and low-code integrations with Camel and Kaoto
This article shows how to integrate new components and protocols into an application without a clunky user interface or spaghetti code.

Using GeoJSON with Apache Camel K for spatial data transformation
Learn how to use Camel K and GeoJSON to create a workflow that aggregates and transforms spatial data from different sources.

Working with big spatial data workflows (or, what would John Snow do?)
Learn how important spatial data is, and tour the tools you might need to use this massive amount of data well and with as little manual work as possible.