Lucas Holmquist Profile pic

Sr. Software Engineer

Lucas Holmquist

Lucas is a Sr. Software Engineer at Red Hat. He is focused on the Node.js developer experience on Openshift as part of the Nodeshift Project.

While he is not a Node.js expert, He does pretend to be one at work.

Lucas Holmquist's contributions

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Checking node.js dependencies with SZero - Never lose track again.

Lucas Holmquist

Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on top of Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. It is highly event-driven, and leverages non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight, efficient, and incredibly productive to use. It's that last bit, "productive", that I want to focus on today. One of the things that i feel makes Node(and NPM) so great is the ease in which you can add and use third-party modules. As most node.js developers know, to start using an external module, you...