Guy Bianco
Guy Bianco's contributions
JavaScript: A Repair Guide
Guy Bianco
You're a web developer. It's likely that you have written some of that nasty front-end JavaScript (JS) stuff. You probably wish your code would just work how you expect and you wonder why buttons get moved across the page, or disappear, when all you were trying to do is validate a form. Part of that is probably your Cascading Style Sheets (CSS); however, it's just as likely that… You're writing bad JavaScript This is the part where you tell me...

JavaScript: A Repair Guide
Guy Bianco
You're a web developer. It's likely that you have written some of that nasty front-end JavaScript (JS) stuff. You probably wish your code would just work how you expect and you wonder why buttons get moved across the page, or disappear, when all you were trying to do is validate a form. Part of that is probably your Cascading Style Sheets (CSS); however, it's just as likely that… You're writing bad JavaScript This is the part where you tell me...