Ashutosh Mehra
Ashutosh Mehra's contributions
How we solved a HotSpot performance puzzle
Ashutosh Mehra
Dive into just-in-time (JIT) compilation with HotSpot, OpenJDK's Java virtual machine, and explore techniques for debugging unexpected warm-up behavior.
Using Unsafe safely in GraalVM Native Image
Ashutosh Mehra
This article shows how to work around problems of using Unsafe API with GraalVM Native Image.

How we solved a HotSpot performance puzzle
Ashutosh Mehra
Dive into just-in-time (JIT) compilation with HotSpot, OpenJDK's Java virtual machine, and explore techniques for debugging unexpected warm-up behavior.

Using Unsafe safely in GraalVM Native Image
Ashutosh Mehra
This article shows how to work around problems of using Unsafe API with GraalVM Native Image.