Adrian Reber
Adrian Reber's contributions
Checkpoint and restore in Kubernetes
Adrian Reber
Checkpoint/restore is useful when migrating containers in Kubernetes. Learn how this feature was implemented and how it's used in container migrations.
Running HPC workloads across multiple architectures with Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Adrian Reber
In this article, I want to provide some background details about our recently developed demonstration video - “ Running Game of Life across multiple architectures with Red Hat Enterprise Linux “. This video shows the Game of Life running in a heterogeneous environment using three 64-bit hardware architectures: aarch64 (ARM v8-A), ppc64le (IBM Power little endian) and x86_64 (Intel Xeon). If you are not familiar with the rules of this cellular automaton, they are worth checking out via the reference...

Checkpoint and restore in Kubernetes
Adrian Reber
Checkpoint/restore is useful when migrating containers in Kubernetes. Learn how this feature was implemented and how it's used in container migrations.

Running HPC workloads across multiple architectures with Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Adrian Reber
In this article, I want to provide some background details about our recently developed demonstration video - “ Running Game of Life across multiple architectures with Red Hat Enterprise Linux “. This video shows the Game of Life running in a heterogeneous environment using three 64-bit hardware architectures: aarch64 (ARM v8-A), ppc64le (IBM Power little endian) and x86_64 (Intel Xeon). If you are not familiar with the rules of this cellular automaton, they are worth checking out via the reference...