

Istio Circuit Breaker: When Failure Is an Option

Don Schenck

The phrase "Failure is not an option" is tossed about with much bravado, with Istio Circuit Breaker. But the fact remains, things eventually fail. Everything. How, then, do you handle the inevitable failure of your microservices? This article will show you how.

Istio Circuit Breaker: How to Handle (Pool) Ejection

Istio Circuit Breaker: How to Handle (Pool) Ejection

Don Schenck

This is week three of a ten-week series about Istio, kubernetes and OpenShift. The series started with an introduction to Istio, and this week covers Istio Circuit Breaker: How To Handle (Pool) Ejection.

Intro to Istio blog series

Istio Route Rules: Telling Service Requests Where to Go

Don Schenck

This article covers Istio Route Rules and telling Service Requests Where To Go. OpenShift and Kubernetes do a great job of working to make sure calls to your microservice are routed to the correct pods. What if, however, you want to customize the routing?

Intro to Istio blog series

Istio: It makes a mesh of things

Don Schenck

this is an introduction to Istio. Istio helps automate the developer time to implement a feature. The combination of code complexity and code heft (i.e. number of lines of code) can put a drag on an implementation. Istio is a better way.

RedHat Shadowman Logo

Whisking Functions with Promises using OpenWhisk

Kamesh Sampath

In this blog we will see how to build a simple nodejs function that can do a reverse geocoding using GoogleMaps API.,and deploy the functions on to OpenWhisk

Configuring mKahaDB persistence storage for ActiveMQ

Use Private NPM modules with RHMAP

Mikel Sanchez

Use Private NPM modules with RHMAP. In this Blog post entry I will try to cover, how to use Red Hat Mobile Application Platform with private npm modules from

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Accelerating the development of Node.js using OpenShift

Cesar Valdez

In this blog entry, I want to introduce a "different" way to work with OpenShift. In the typical way to deploy a Pod to OpenShift, we have available a set of very useful objects we have build/image configurations. This takes the pain from us by hiding the details about image construction but, sometimes we just want to see some code running in the cloud. Or we want to see if our service/application is able to interact with nearby services or...

Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio Logo

Announcing Red Hat Developer Studio 11.1.0.GA and JBoss Tools 4.5.1.Final for Eclipse Oxygen.1A

Jeff Maury

JBoss Tools 4.5.1 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 11.1 for Eclipse Oxygen.1A are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our JBoss Products page and run it like this: java -jar jboss-devstudio-<installername>.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio requires a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.7.1A Oxygen JEE Bundle since...

First steps in integration of Windows and Linux Containers in Red Hat OpenShift

First steps in integration of Windows and Linux Containers in OpenShift

Glenn West

I've started an interesting exploration on the integration of Microsoft Windows Containers and Linux Containers in an OCP Environment. This allows a true bi-modal IT technical implementation by combining the strength of both platforms into one cluster. So, I start this off, with the deployment of an OpenShift Cluster on Azure, using the 3.6 reference architecture . After this is run, I used the Azure Portal to add a Windows Server 2016 Node to the cluster. So if you look...

RedHat Shadowman Logo

Red Hat updates Python, PHP, Node.js, more; supports new arches

Mike Guerette

I am pleased to announce the immediate availability of Red Hat Software Collections 3.0 Beta , Red Hat’s newest installment of open source development tools, dynamic languages, databases, and more. Delivered on a separate lifecycle from Red Hat Enterprise Linux with a more frequent release cadence, Red Hat Software Collections bridges development agility and production stability by helping you create modern applications that can be confidently deployed into production. Most of these components are also available in Linux container image...

Using New Relic

Using New Relic in Red Hat Mobile Node.js Applications

Evan Shortiss

Introduction New Relic is an application-monitoring platform that provides in-depth analytics and analysis for applications regardless of the type of environment where they are deployed, or as New Relic put it themselves: “Gain end-to-end visibility across your customer experience, application performance, and dynamic infrastructure with the New Relic Digital Intelligence Platform.” - New Relic You might ask why there’s a use for New Relic’s monitoring capabilities when Red Hat Mobile Application Platform (RHMAP) and OpenShift Container Platform both offer insights...


Profiling NodeJS applications with Linux Performance Tools

Cesar Valdez

Using Linux Perf Tools The Performance Analysis Tool for Linux ( perf ) is a powerful tool to profile applications. It works by using a mix of hardware counters (is fast) and software counters, all provided by the Linux Performance Counter (LPC) subsystem that takes charge of the complex task of wrapping the CPU counters for the different type of CPUs. So you can have access to a very efficient way to get information of running processes through their C...

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Announcing Red Hat Developer Studio 11.0.0.GA and JBoss Tools 4.5.0.Final for Eclipse Oxygen

Jeff Maury

JBoss Tools 4.5 and Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio 11.0 for Eclipse Oxygen are here waiting for you. Check it out! Installation JBoss Developer Studio comes with everything pre-bundled in its installer. Simply download it from our Red Hat Developers and run it like this: java -jar jboss-devstudio-<installername>.jar JBoss Tools or Bring-Your-Own-Eclipse (BYOE) JBoss Developer Studio requires a bit more: This release requires at least Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen) but we recommend using the latest Eclipse 4.7 Oxygen JEE Bundle since...

Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Working with peer, scoped and private npm dependencies in RHMAP

David Martin

RHMAP Environments An RHMAP Environment provides a Node.js runtime for Mobile Backends. There are 2 environment types: Dynofarm & OpenShift. The former is an LXC based PaaS, written in Node.js & bash. It is superseded by OpenShift environments. However, there are still many Dynofarm environments in use in the RHMAP SaaS offering. fh-npm Rationale fh-npm is a wrapper for npm. It is only used in Dynofarm environments to install npm dependencies specified in a package.json file. It was developed by...

Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Debugging RHMAP Apps locally with Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

David Ffrench

Do you want to speed up your debugging process? This blog post is designed to help you do just that by empowering you with the knowledge of how to debug RHMAP Cloud Apps and MBaaS services locally using VS Code. For an introduction to running RHMAP client apps locally, see How to Setup your Apps to Target Locally on Device . Why VS Code? Interactive Debugger allows you to step through source code, inspect variables, view call stacks, and execute...

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Red Hat Mobile Application Platform: A Walk-Through (Cian Clarke)

Red Hat Developer Program

In this session, we'll give a live demo of Red Hat Mobile Application Platform, demonstrating the full range of features from client-side coding, to server-side coding, to reusable Mobile Backend-as-a-service (MBaaS) services in Node.js. This will be a bottom-up explanation of the power of the platform, and it's aimed at software developers who have an interest in mobile client-side or server-side development in Node.js.

Scaling Sync

Scaling Sync

Wei Li

Introduction One of the biggest challenges for developers to build mobile applications is data synchronization. It's the foundation for many different types of mobile applications, but it's very complicated and very hard to implement. This can be even harder for enterprise developers, as often they have to make sure the data is not only synchronized to the server side of their mobile apps but also synchronized to the database backends of their enterprises, as demonstrated in this diagram: That's why...

Configuring mKahaDB persistence storage for ActiveMQ

Now available - Red Hat Software Collections 2.4 and Red Hat Developer Toolset 6.1

Mike Guerette

Today, we are announcing the general availability of Red Hat Software Collections 2.4, Red Hat’s latest set of open source web development tools, dynamic languages, and databases. We are also announcing Red Hat Developer Toolset 6.1, which helps to streamline application development on Red Hat Enterprise Linux by giving developers access to some of the latest, stable open source C and C++ compilers and complementary development tools. New language additions to Red Hat Software Collections 2.4 include: Nginx 1.10 Node.js...

Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Push Notifications to the Right People and Devices

Paul Wright

This article shows how you can write RHMAP Cloud Apps to perform push notifications to: All devices subscribed to a ‘category’, enabling the possibility of users choosing the notification categories they find interesting. A specific group of users, providing efficient communication with a defined set of users. With RHMAP, it is simple to deliver a notification to a set of users/devices based on category. For example, if your app reports sports results, you can filter the results to only send...

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Why should I use Node.js: The Non-blocking Event I/O Framework?

Cesar Valdez

Objective Some days ago, I was having an argument with a few Java developers about Node.js, they asked questions like “why should I use that?” or “what’s the benefit?”, I told them by memory that Node.js is an event driven I/O, and thanks to that you will end up writing very efficient server-side applications. They come back saying that they can get the same effect using threads. Thing is I wasn't fully prepared to explain the difference, I had a...

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Release of v3.11 of the Red Hat Mobile Application Platform

Conor O'Neill

We have just completed the deployment of the Red Hat Mobile Application Platform v3.11 to all our actively updated grids. The main features of this release are: Tech preview of Node.js 4.4.2 LTS as an option for your Cloud Code Google Play Store changes (POSSIBLE ACTION REQUIRED) Updating Forms Apps to new versions of Cordova and Cordova Plugins Updating Cordova “Light” Apps to new versions of Cordova and Cordova Plugins ( POTENTIAL BREAKING CHANGE ) Announcement of future deprecation of...

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Node.js 4.4, Python 3.5, and Ruby 2.3 Get Started guides on

Rob Terzi

On you can find short, focused guides to help you start developing with a number of Red Hat technologies. With the recent release of Red Hat Software Collections (RHSCL) 2.2 , a number of Get Started guides have been updated to use the newest software collections, such as Node.js 4.4, Python 3.5, and Ruby 2.3. These guides give you the steps you need to install the software and get to a simple "Hello, World" in a few minutes. The...