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End-to-end field-level encryption for Apache Kafka Connect

Hans-Peter Grahsl

This article introduces end-to-end encryption for data integration scenarios built on top of Apache Kafka using Kafka Connect together with the open-source library Kryptonite for Kafka.

Building resilient event-driven architectures with Apache Kafka

Kafka Monthly Digest: August 2022

Mickael Maison

The latest installment in this monthly column covers improvements in Apache Kafka, including the release in progress, 3.3.0, and recent Kafka Improvement Proposals.

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Red Hat Developer roundup: Best of August 2022

Heiker Medina

Find recent articles on observability, containerizing .NET applications, tips for building security into your Node.js development process, and more.

Featured image for Kafka Monthly Digest on Red Hat Developer.

Kafka Monthly Digest: July 2022

Mickael Maison

The latest installment in this monthly column covers improvements in Apache Kafka, including the release in progress, 3.3.0, the latest release, 3.2.1, and recent Kafka Improvement Proposals.

Featured image for Kafka Monthly Digest on Red Hat Developer.

Kafka Monthly Digest: June 2022

Mickael Maison

This issue in a monthly column covers improvements in Apache Kafka, including the release in progress, 3.3.0, and recent Kafka Improvement Proposals.

Featured image for Kafka Monthly Digest on Red Hat Developer.

Kafka Monthly Digest: May 2022

Mickael Maison

This issue in a monthly column covers improvements in Apache Kafka, including the last two releases, 3.2.0 and 3.1.1, and recent Kafka Improvement Proposals.

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Red Hat Developer roundup: Best of May 2022

Red Hat Developer Editorial Team

RHEL 9, Kafka, AWS, SaaS, and more: Stay current on the latest developer trends with Red Hat Developer's monthly content round-up.

Featured image for Kafka Monthly Digest on Red Hat Developer.

Kafka Monthly Digest: April 2022

Mickael Maison

This issue in a monthly column covers improvements in Apache Kafka, including progress of releases and recent Kafka Improvement Proposals.

Featured image for Kafka topics.

Kafka Monthly Digest: March 2022

Mickael Maison

This issue in a monthly column covers improvements in Apache Kafka, including progress of releasess and recent Kafka Improvement Proposals.

Hello Kafka
Learning path

Kafka 101

Learn about the fundamentals of Apache Kafka. This tutorial covers basic

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Learn Apache Kafka by doing

This learning path will guide you through the basic concepts of Apache Kafka, the steps to get access to managed Kafka service in minutes, and offer you a hands-on opportunity to learn Apache Kafka by doing.

Featured image for Kafka topics.

Is it better to split Kafka clusters?

Bilgin Ibryam

Is a monolithic Kafka cluster architecture the best design for your use case? Explore the benefits and challenges of a multiple Kafka cluster, then decide.