Shane Boulden

Shane is a Red Hat Solutions Architect, specialising in application development, automation and DevOps practices. He enjoys good coffee and a well-developed RESTful API.

Shane Boulden's contributions

Falcon and RHSCL

Create a scalable REST API with Falcon and RHSCL

Shane Boulden

APIs are critical to automation, integration and developing cloud-native applications, and it's vital they can be scaled to meet the demands of your user-base. In this article, we'll create a database-backed REST API based on the Python Falcon framework using Red Hat Software Collections (RHSCL)

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Shane Boulden

In the microservices landscape, the API provides an essential form of communication between components. To allow secure communication between microservices components, as well as third-party applications, it's important to be able to consume API keys and other sensitive data in a manner that doesn't place the data at risk. Secret objects are specifically designed to hold sensitive information, and OpenShift makes exposing this information to the applications that need it easy. In this post, I'll demonstrate securely consuming API keys...