Transitioning to .NET Core on Red Hat Enterprise Linux_Cover image

Transitioning to .NET Core on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Don Schenck


The .NET world has changed, and decidedly for the better. Not only is .NET Core now an open source framework, but thanks to Microsoft’s recent partnership with Red Hat, you can develop and run .NET web applications on Linux.

  • Build "hello world" console and web apps, and then examine the code output
  • Create a more complex model-view-controller web app with the ASP.NET MVC framework
  • Develop a RESTful service with the same techniques and technologies used for your MVC website
  • Get acquainted with several new features in Entity Framework Core 1.0
  • Use Visual Studio Code, the free code editor that supports several languages and operating systems
  • Learn how to keep and run your code in Linux and edit it in Windows
  • Perform "offroad debugging" on .NET applications from Visual Studio


This book is targeted at — but not limited to — .NET developers with any level of experience. Starting with a basic “Hello World” console application, it moves along through ASP.NET, MVC, and Entity Framework applications, eventually arriving at a full-featured application running in a Linux container. Because the code in this book is limited to C#, your existing knowledge of .NET and C# will largely determine the speed at which you progress through this volume. More experienced developers will be interested in the few key differences when developing for Linux (and there are quite a few), whereas beginning developers can use this book to learn more advanced programming techniques.

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