ArgoCD and Tekton: Match made in Kubernetes heaven | DevNation Tech Talk title screen

DevNation Tech Talks are hosted by the Red Hat technologists who create our products. These sessions include real solutions plus code and sample projects to help you get started. In this talk, you’ll learn about Argo CD and Tekton from Siamak Sadeghianfar and Burr Sutter.

Tekton Pipelines is an open source project that provides a Kubernetes-native, lightweight, easy-to-manage serverless CI/CD framework. Tekton is built for Kubernetes and runs delivery pipelines in pods to scale on-demand, allowing teams to fully control their pipelines and dependencies. Argo CD is a declarative GitOps Operator that makes continuous delivery possible by using Git as a source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications.

In this session, you will learn how to combine the power of Tekton Pipelines with Argo CD for a declarative approach to CI/CD based on GitOps principles.

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Last updated: February 5, 2024