Tom Deseyn

Tom Deseyn

Red Hatter working on .NET Core.

Tom Deseyn's contributions

.NET Core

Using .NET PInvoke for Linux system functions

Tom Deseyn

.NET Platform Invoke (PInvoke) makes it easy to consume native libraries. This article describes how to use PInvoke for Linux system functions.

.NET Core

Using a local NuGet server with Red Hat OpenShift

Tom Deseyn

How to deploy a NuGet server as a caching server on Red Hat OpenShift to speed up builds and host private packages. It also explains some general NuGet concepts and why it makes sense to use a local NuGet server.

.NET Core

Building .NET Core container images using S2I

Tom Deseyn

This article describes how to build .NET Core container images using source-to-image (S2I). The container images can be built directly from a git repository, from local sources, or from a pre-built application on, which can be useful on your development machine or as part of a CI/CD pipeline.

.NET Core

Securing .NET Core on OpenShift using HTTPS

Tom Deseyn

This post describes how to secure ASP.NET Core applications on OpenShift using HTTPS for two use-cases: terminating SSL in OpenShift for public routes and terminating SSL in ASP.NET Core directly using OpenShift-generated service certificates.

Red Hat OpenShift

Running Microsoft SQL Server on Red Hat OpenShift

Tom Deseyn

This article shows how set up Microsoft SQL Server on Red Hat OpenShift and then use SQL Server to store data for a simple ASP.NET Core application running in a container deployed on OpenShift that manages a list of contacts. It also shows how to manage SQL Server within OpenShift using SQL Operation Studio.

.NET Core

Improving .NET Core Kestrel performance using a Linux-specific transport

Tom Deseyn

Kestrel, the web server in the .NET Core, supports replacing the network layer. This article benchmarks Kestrel’s networking layer with a Linux-specific implementation to achieve measurable performance gains compared to the out-the-box implementation.