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Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes governance provides an extensible framework for enterprises to introduce their own security and configuration policies that can be applied to managed Red Hat OpenShift or Kubernetes clusters. For more information on Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management policies, I recommend that you read the Comply to standards using policy based governance and Implement Policy-based Governance Using Configuration Management blogs.

As part of the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management and Red Hat OpenShift Platform Plus subscriptions, there is a supported Gatekeeper Operator that was recently updated to Gatekeeper 3.11.1. In this article, let's explore the Gatekeeper Operator and its integration with Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management, which helps you achieve multicluster admission control and auditing.

Gatekeeper overview

Gatekeeper is a Kubernetes admission controller that leverages the Open Policy Agent (OPA) engine. It does this through the use of validating and mutating Kubernetes webhooks. It is also capable of auditing the existing state of the cluster and reporting on objects violating the policy. In this article, you'll learn how to use Gatekeeper to audit existing objects and block new objects that don't comply with your policies.

A new type of validation rule is defined using a ConstraintTemplate object, which contains the OPA Rego code and the accepted parameters. Based on that ConstraintTemplate, Gatekeeper will automatically generate and apply a custom resource definition (CRD) to be able to create constraints as Kubernetes objects.

One example from the Gatekeeper documentation shows a ConstraintTemplate definition. The embedded Rego is validating that the labels provided in the labels parameter are defined on the object under review. See the following sample:

apiVersion: templates.gatekeeper.sh/v1

kind: ConstraintTemplate


  name: k8srequiredlabels





        kind: K8sRequiredLabels


        # Schema for the `parameters` field


          type: object



              type: array


                type: string


    - target: admission.k8s.gatekeeper.sh

      rego: |

        package k8srequiredlabels

        violation[{"msg": msg, "details": {"missing_labels": missing}}] {

          provided := {label | input.review.object.metadata.labels[label]}

          required := {label | label := input.parameters.labels[_]}

          missing := required - provided

          count(missing) > 0

          msg := sprintf("you must provide labels: %v", [missing])


After defining the ConstraintTemplate, you can define constraints based on the template using the CRD generated and applied by Gatekeeper. The example constraint below requires that all namespaces have the label of team set to any value. Notice that the enforcementAction is to deny. This setting prevents namespaces from being created without the team label. The enforcementAction could also be set to warn, which does not deny the request but warns you when they create or update a namespace that does not have the team label set. The last option is dryrun, which does not impact admission control. All options allow Gatekeeper to audit existing namespaces with the constraint. See the following example of these settings:

apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1

kind: K8sRequiredLabels


  name: ns-must-have-team


  enforcementAction: deny



      - apiGroups:

          - ""


          - Namespace



      - team

After applying the constraint, if you request to create a namespace with kubectl create namespace test-ns, then it is denied with the following message:

Error from server (Forbidden): admission webhook "validation.gatekeeper.sh" denied the request: [ns-must-have-teams] you must provide labels: {"team"}

To view the audit violations of the existing namespaces, you can see those listed in the constraint's status with the following command:

kubectl get k8srequiredlabels ns-must-have-teams -o yaml

The output should look similar to what is shown below. Note that there are 81 total violations, but Gatekeeper records a subset of the violations so that the K8sRequiredLabels object does not get too large. To override this, you must set the spec.audit.constraintViolationLimit field on the Gatekeeper object used to configure the Gatekeeper Operator. See the following example of this override:

apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1

kind: K8sRequiredLabels



  name: ns-must-have-gk


  enforcementAction: deny



      - apiGroups:

          - ""


          - Namespace



      - team


  auditTimestamp: "2023-12-05T19:08:45Z"

  totalViolations: 81


    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: default

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: default-broker

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: e2e-rbac-test-1

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: e2e-rbac-test-2

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: hive

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: hypershift

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: kube-node-lease

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: kube-public

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: kube-system

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: local-cluster

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: multicluster-engine

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: open-cluster-management

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: open-cluster-management-agent

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: open-cluster-management-agent-addon

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: open-cluster-management-global-set

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: open-cluster-management-hub

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: openshift

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: openshift-apiserver

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: openshift-apiserver-operator

      version: v1

    - enforcementAction: deny

      group: ""

      kind: Namespace

      message: 'you must provide labels: {"team"}'

      name: openshift-authentication

      version: v1

As shown above, Gatekeeper is highly customizable and can be used to prevent policy violations while also detecting already existing violations. Doing this across multiple clusters is challenging, and the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management integration with Gatekeeper helps you by making violations for all clusters visible in one location.

Installing Gatekeeper using Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management

The simplest way to install the latest Gatekeeper Operator for all clusters is to use the "Install Red Hat Gatekeeper Operator policy" policy template in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console. This both installs the Operator when enforced and reports on the installation status.

To install the Gatekeeper Operator, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Governance navigation item > Policies tab > and click the Create policy button.
  2. For the Name field, enter install-gatekeeper.
  3. For the Namespace field, select open-cluster-management-global-set or a namespace configured for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management policies.
  4. Click Next > Remediation > select Enforce for the policy to enforce the installation of the Gatekeeper Operator when the policy is deployed.
  5. Click the Add policy template drop-down.
  6. Select Install Red Hat Gatekeeper Operator policy. You then see a wizard like the example shown in Figure 1.
alt text
Figure 1:
Figure 1: Install Gatekeeper via the placement wizard.
  1. To generate a placement that applies the policy to all registered clusters, click Next or the Placement wizard step > New placement > Review wizard step.
  2. Go to the YAML sidebar and view the YAML. Verify that the YAML looks like the following:
apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1

kind: Policy


name: install-gatekeeper

namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set


  policy.open-cluster-management.io/categories: CM Configuration Management

  policy.open-cluster-management.io/standards: NIST SP 800-53

  policy.open-cluster-management.io/controls: CM-2 Baseline Configuration


disabled: false

remediationAction: enforce


  - objectDefinition:

      apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1

      kind: ConfigurationPolicy


        name: gatekeeper-operator-product-sub


        remediationAction: inform

        severity: high


          - complianceType: musthave


              apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1

              kind: Subscription


                name: gatekeeper-operator-product

                namespace: openshift-operators


                name: gatekeeper-operator-product

                channel: stable

                installPlanApproval: Automatic

                source: redhat-operators

                sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace

  - objectDefinition:

      apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1

      kind: ConfigurationPolicy


        name: gatekeeper-operator-status


        remediationAction: inform

        severity: high


          - complianceType: musthave


              apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1

              kind: ClusterServiceVersion


                namespace: openshift-gatekeeper-system


                displayName: Gatekeeper Operator


                phase: Succeeded

  - objectDefinition:

      apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1

      kind: ConfigurationPolicy


        name: gatekeeper


        remediationAction: inform

        severity: high


          - complianceType: musthave


              apiVersion: operator.gatekeeper.sh/v1alpha1

              kind: Gatekeeper


                name: gatekeeper



                  logLevel: INFO

                  replicas: 1

                validatingWebhook: Enabled

                mutatingWebhook: Disabled


                  emitAdmissionEvents: Enabled

                  logLevel: INFO

                  replicas: 2

  - objectDefinition:

      apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1

      kind: ConfigurationPolicy


        name: gatekeeper-status


        remediationAction: inform

        severity: high


          - complianceType: musthave


              apiVersion: v1

              kind: Pod


                namespace: openshift-gatekeeper-system


                  control-plane: audit-controller


                phase: Running

          - complianceType: musthave


              apiVersion: v1

              kind: Pod


                namespace: openshift-gatekeeper-system


                  control-plane: controller-manager


                phase: Running


apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1

kind: Placement


name: install-gatekeeper-placement

namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set

spec: {}


apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1

kind: PlacementBinding


name: install-gatekeeper-placement

namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set


name: install-gatekeeper-placement

apiGroup: cluster.open-cluster-management.io

kind: Placement


- name: install-gatekeeper

  apiGroup: policy.open-cluster-management.io

  kind: Policy
  1. Click Submit.

After the policy has been deployed to all your clusters and the Gatekeeper Operator has successfully been installed, you can see the policy marked as compliant, as shown in Figure 2.

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Figure 2:
Figure 2: Details for the deployed policy to install the Gatekeeper Operator.

Using the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management Gatekeeper integration

The Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.8+ Gatekeeper integration enables multicluster distribution of Gatekeeper ConstraintTemplate objects and constraints, and aggregates Gatekeeper audit violations data back to the hub for an entire Kubernetes fleet. To use this integration, you must use a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management policy to deploy the Gatekeeper constraint, and optionally the ConstraintTemplate, to the managed clusters.

Using the example from the Gatekeeper Overview section, create a Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management policy as shown in the following example. Notice the policy-templates array includes both the ConstraintTemplate and the ns-must-have-team constraint. The Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management policy has the remediationAction of enforce, which translates to enforcementAction: deny being set on the constraint. If the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management policy had the remediationAction of inform, it would have translated to enforcementAction: warn being set on the constraint. If the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management policy had no remediationAction set, then the enforcementAction set on the constraint would be honored.

apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1

kind: Policy


  name: ns-teams-label

  namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set


  disabled: false

  remediationAction: enforce


    - objectDefinition:

        apiVersion: templates.gatekeeper.sh/v1

        kind: ConstraintTemplate


          name: k8srequiredlabels





                kind: K8sRequiredLabels



                  type: object



                      type: array


                        type: string


            - target: admission.k8s.gatekeeper.sh

              rego: |

                package k8srequiredlabels

                violation[{"msg": msg, "details": {"missing_labels": missing}}] {

                  provided := {label | input.review.object.metadata.labels[label]}

                  required := {label | label := input.parameters.labels[_]}

                  missing := required - provided

                  count(missing) > 0

                  msg := sprintf("you must provide labels: %v", [missing])


    - objectDefinition:

        apiVersion: constraints.gatekeeper.sh/v1beta1

        kind: K8sRequiredLabels


          name: ns-must-have-team




              - apiGroups:

                  - ""


                  - Namespace



              - team


apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta1

kind: Placement


  name: ns-teams-label-placement

  namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set

spec: {}


apiVersion: policy.open-cluster-management.io/v1

kind: PlacementBinding


  name: ns-teams-label-placement

  namespace: open-cluster-management-global-set


  name: ns-teams-label-placement

  apiGroup: cluster.open-cluster-management.io

  kind: Placement


  - name: ns-teams-label

    apiGroup: policy.open-cluster-management.io

    kind: Policy

After the policy is applied and Gatekeeper has perfomed the audit on the managed clusters, you view the audit results from the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console. To view the audit results, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to the Governance navigation item.
  2. Click on the Policies tab > the ns-teams-label policy > the Results tab.
  3. View the compliance results. It should look similar to the example shown in Figure 3.
alt text
Figure 3:
Figure 3: Viewing the compliance results in the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management console.
  1. Notice that the ns-must-have-team template is noncompliant and its message contains all the audit failures detected by Gatekeeper.
  2. Click View details for the ns-must-have-team policy template.
  3. Notice that the Related resources section table contains all the namespaces that failed, as shown in Figure 4.
alt text
Figure 4:
Figure 4: List of audit failures detected by Gatekeeper.
  1. Notice that by default, the namespace contains a maximum of 20 results. To increase this limit, see the Gatekeeper Overview section.
  2. From the table, click any of the View YAML links to utilize Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management Search to view the YAML of namespaces that failed the audit on the managed cluster. For example, if you click on View YAML for the default namespace, then you would see the YAML shown in Figure 5.
alt text
Figure 5:
Figure 5: YAML file for the detault namespace.

Info alert: Note

If the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management policy were to be deleted, the ConstraintTemplate and constraint would be removed from the managed clusters.


Gatekeeper is a powerful, flexible, and performant Kubernetes policy engine and admission controller. Red Hat provides a supported Operator with the Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management and Red Hat OpenShift Platform Plus subscriptions. By leveraging Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management Gatekeeper integration, you can have a simple Gatekeeper installation, constraint management, and audit results aggregation of an entire Kubernetes fleet from a single console.