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Coala, setting it up and auto patching

Abishek V Ashok

Coala is a free and open-source language-independent analysis toolkit, written in Python. The primary goal of coala is to make it easier for developers to create rules, which a project's code should conform to the developer-defined rules. It has support for more than 40+ programming languages and is best for people who want their code to look good and follow good coding practices. It's been developed at Bears and coala Coala checks the code with the help of bears...

Microservices Deployments Evolution

Microservices Deployments Evolution

Bilgin Ibryam

Microservices Are Here, to Stay A few years back, most software systems had a monolithic architecture and slow release cycle. In the recent years, there is a clear move towards Microservices architecture, which is optimized for scalability, elasticity, failure, and speed of change. This trend has been further enforced by the adoption of cloud and containers, which also enabled practices such as DevOps. Trends in the IT Industry All these changes have resulted in a growing number of services to...

Jenkins Pipeline Builds and A/B Deployments in CDK

Jenkins Pipeline Builds and A/B Deployments in CDK

Ricardo Martinelli

The CDK 2.3 version has added the newest OpenShift Container Platform 3.3, allowing us to make use of the Jenkins Pipeline builds as well a special route configuration, which enables A/B deployments. In this post, I will show you how to achieve that configuration using a microservice application. Preparation steps Once CDK 2.3 is up and running in our environment, we need to make an additional configuration to enable the Jenkins pipeline builds. Since it is an experimental feature, it...

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Automate integration CI/CD process

Christina Lin

Red Hat Fuse Integration Service 2.0 tech preview was released a few weeks ago and as it's based on Red Hat OpenShift 3.3, which has pipeline capability on top of it (tech preview on OpenShift as well), you are able to get one step closer to a more automated and agile continuous integration. As well as, a deployment one-stop platform for us, the integration developer. For the pipeline to work on OpenShift, you need Jenkins installed and running. OpenShift uses...

Using API keys securely in your OpenShift microservices and applications

Using Pipelines in OpenShift 3.3+ for CI/CD

Alessandro Arrichiello

It's been a while since Red Hat released version 3.3 of OpenShift Container Platform, this version is full of features. One of my favorites is the support for Pipelines (Tech Preview for now) that lets you easily integrate Jenkins builds on your OpenShift (Origin) Platform. OpenShift Pipelines OpenShift Pipelines are based on the Jenkins Pipeline plugin. ( ) Integrating Jenkins Pipelines into OpenShift unlocks all the features for the CI/CD world enabling its users to easily manage repeatable tasks...

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The fast-moving monolith: how we sped-up delivery from every three months, to every week

Raffaele Spazzoli

Editor's note: Raffaele Spazzoli is an Architect with Red Hat Consulting's PaaS and DevOps Practice. This blog post reflects his experience working for Key Bank prior to joining Red Hat. A recount of the journey from three-months, to one-week release cycle-time. This is the journey of KeyBank, a super-regional bank, from quarterly deployments to production to weekly deployments to production. In the process we adopted all open source software migrating from WebSphere to Tomcat and adopting OpenShift as our private...

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Red Hat Open Innovation Labs: Automating CI/CD Deployment Pipelines

Kevin McAnoy

In order for businesses to stay agile, developers must be able to deploy apps -- quickly, efficiently, and in a streamlined manner. Red Hat Open Innovation Labs uses a container-driven application development framework to perform continuous delivery and accelerate innovation. In this video, I’ll give you a peek into some of the work we at Labs are undertaking to accelerate application development. Specifically, I’ll walk you through the steps to create a deployment pipeline in Jenkins using the JBoss TicketMonster...

Microservices CI/CD Pipelines in Red Hat Openshift

Microservices CI/CD Pipelines in Openshift

Rafael Benevides

One of the greatest advantages of using docker containers is the fact that you can move them between environments. A promotion from Development to a Production environment, shouldn’t take more than some few seconds. This is one aspect of “Continuous Delivery” Because Microservices Architectures are “independently replaceable and upgradeable”, they are the best scenario to show a “Deployment Pipeline” . Red Hat Developers has produced a sample and free application called “Red Hat Helloworlds MSA” that demonstrates different aspects of...

Jenkins Pipeline Builds and A/B Deployments in CDK

Using Jenkins in the Red Hat CI/CD Ecosystem

James Falkner

The last 4-5 years have seen the debut of many new software products specifically targeting both infrastructure services and IT automation. The consumerization of IT has caused its architects to take a fresh look at their existing, often times monolithic apps and IT infrastructure and asking: Can we do better? How do I keep IT relevant? How do I keep track of all these VMs and data? How do I scale out my IT environment without a huge budget increase...

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A simple guide to provisioning Vagrant boxes with Ansible

Duncan Doyle

Over the last couple of weeks, I've been working on some Red Hat JBoss BPM Suite workshop material. One part of the workshop is a four-hour lab that guides the attendees through the development of JBoss BPM Suite 6.x processes, rules and applications (note that this workshop is available to our customers, please contact your Red Hat account manager or local Red Hat sales representative for more information), but I'm going to be sharing part of the story with you...

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How to install and configure Jenkins to build .NET apps on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Andrew Male

In the process of writing my posts ( #1 and #2 ) on . NET Core and RHEL , it was made clear to me by several friends that I had neglected to use the de facto standard for continuous integration on Linux, Jenkins . Always happy to try out new (to me) tools, I settled in for what I was assured would be a simple configuration to test out my previous work in this bastion of automation. What is...

What's New in Jenkins 2.0

What's New in Jenkins 2.0

Hemant Jain

If you like pipelines—specifically the kind that facilitate continuous software delivery, not the ones that drain stuff from your kitchen sink—you'll love Jenkins 2.0. Pipelines-as-code are one of the headline features in the latest version of Jenkins. Keep reading for more on pipelines and other cool enhancements in Jenkins 2.0, and how you can take advantage of them. Jenkins 2.0: New Features Outline Released in April , Jenkins 2.0 is the much-updated version of the open source continuous integration and...

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Build your next cloud-based PaaS in under an hour

Matyas Danter

The charter of Open Innovation Labs is to help our customers accelerate application development and realize the latest advancements in software delivery, by providing skills, mentoring, and tools. Some of the challenges I frequently hear from customers are those around Platform as a Service (PaaS) environment provisioning and configuration. This article is first in the series of articles that guide you through installation configuration and usage of the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP) on Amazon Web Services (AWS). This...

Red Hat Ansible

Install Ansible on Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Zachary Flower

As far as automated configuration management tools go, Ansible is “the new hotness” on the market. I admit, I am pretty new to Ansible. Until recently, the majority of my configuration management experience has been rooted solely in Puppet. Tack onto that my recent foray back into the world of Red Hat and I have a lot to learn, starting with getting Ansible installed and running on RHEL. There are two ways to install Ansible—via yum, or directly from source...

Integrating WebSphere MQ with JBoss Enterprise Application Server

JBoss EAP 7 Domain deployments - Part 3: Domain deployment with Common Language Interface CLI.

Elvadas Nono

In this series of articles, I will present several ways to deploy an application on an EAP Domain. The series consists of four parts. Each one will be a standalone article, but the series as a whole will present a range of useful topics for working with JBoss EAP. Part 1: Set up a simple EAP 7.0 Domain (this article) . Part 2: Domain deployments through the new EAP 7.0 Management Console Part 3: Introduction to DMR ( Dynamic Model...

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Red Hat Keynote Mobile App

Kyle Buchanan

This year’s middleware keynote address at Red Hat Summit talked about microservices, the power of the pipeline, and how developers and devops can work together to release code to production at a much higher rate. The keynote also demonstrated how releases can be shipped so you can switch from the existing deployment to a new deployment (blue/green deployments), and demonstrated how to roll out a canary deployment to a subset of users to test out new features. (If the canary...

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JBoss EAP 7 Domain deployments - Part 2: Domain deployments through the EAP 7.0 Management Console

Elvadas Nono

In this series of articles, I will present several ways to deploy an application on an EAP Domain. T he series consists of four parts. Each one will be a standalone article, but the series as a whole will present a range of useful topics for working with JBoss EAP. Part 1: Set up a simple EAP 7.0 Domain (this article) . Part 2: Domain deployments through the new EAP 7.0 Management Console Part 3: Introduction to DMR ( Dynamic...

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Have your own Microservices playground

Rafael Benevides

Microservices are standing at the " Peak of Inflated Expectations ". It's immeasurable the number of developers and companies that want to bring in this new development paradigm and don't know what challenges they will face. Of course, the challenges and the reality of an Enterprise company that has been producing software for the last 10 or 20 years is totally different from the start-up company that just released its first software some months ago. Before adopting microservices as an...

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Continuous Delivery to JBoss EAP and OpenShift with the CloudBees Jenkins Platform

Deon Ballard

If you are using JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) for J2EE development, the CloudBees Jenkins Platform provides an enterprise-class toolchain for an automated CI/CD from development to production. The CloudBees Jenkins Platform now supports integrations with both Red Hat JBoss Enterprise Application Platform (EAP) and Red Hat OpenShift across the software delivery pipeline. This enables developers to build, test and deploy applications, with Jenkins-based continuous delivery pipelines in JBoss via JBoss EAP 7 or JBoss EAP 7 on OpenShift. The...

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Unit-testing your BPM processes by bending time.

Duncan Doyle

One of the core drivers behind modern application architecture, development and delivery methodologies like micro-services, agile and CI/CD is the ability to automatically test any software artifact, from application code to server configuration. Automated testing gives us the reliable, repeatable, assurance that our software meets the required quality with respect to aspects like functionality, performance, and scalability and is ready to be deployed in production. Why should testing of a business-process defined in BPMN2, a deployable software artifact, be any...

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Carving the Java EE Monolith Into Microservices: Prefer Verticals Not Layers

Christian Posta

Following my introduction blog about why microservices should be event-driven , I’d like to take another few steps and blog about it. (Hopefully I saw you at jBCNconf and Red Hat Summit in San Francisco , where I spoke about some of these topics). Follow me on twitter @christianposta for updates on this project. In this article we discuss the first parts of carving up a monolith. The monolith I’m exploring in depth for these articles will be from the...

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DevNation Live Blog: fabric8-ing Continous Improvement with Kubernetes and Jenkins Pipeline

Salem Elrahal

I'm sure you have heard and read a lot about microservices in the recent past and how they are here to defend our end users from the horrible monolith. Breaking an application up into many components is a great start, but to take your organization to the next level requires a platform focused on integrating microservices into your continuous improvement process. Red Hat's James Rawlings & James Strachan led us through achieving our new goal of continuous delivery with containerized...

Andrew Lee Rubinger

Push it Real Good: Continuous Delivery for the people at the push of a button and repo

Andrew Lee Rubinger

The Problem Several months back, our emerging Developer Programs engineering team assembled during the last breaths of Brno's Czech winter and dedicated a full day towards a deceptively complex task: Be a user. Assemble in groups and, using a technology stack of your choosing, conceive of and create an application to be presented to the full team in 6 hours. Keep in mind that I hold my colleagues in extremely high regard; they're capable, creative, and experienced. Surely churning out...

DevNation 2016 logo

Rachel Laycock joins DevNation 2016 as a general session speaker

Mike Guerette +6

We are pleased to announce that Rachel Laycock, Head of Technology for North America at ThoughtWorks, will be joining us at DevNation 2016 as a general session speaker. With her background in Agile, Continuous Delivery, and strategy, Rachel is uniquely qualified to explain why CD is more than simply using new tools. This is certainly a relevant topic for everyone - should be fun! Welcome, Rachel! RACHEL'S ABSTRACT: There are several factors to adopting the practices of Continuous Delivery. Most...