Red Hat Developer Hub

An enterprise-grade, open developer platform for building developer portals, containing a supported and opinionated framework.
Red Hat Developer Hub helps reduce friction and frustration for engineering teams while boosting their productivity
and increasing their organization's competitive advantages.

Introducing Red Hat Developer Hub validated plugins, a revolutionary addition to the CNCF's Backstage ecosystem that enhances the development experience for developers and enterprise customers. By offering a trusted selection of plugins, developers can effortlessly streamline their workflows, boost productivity, and unlock new capabilities within the Backstage environment.

At Red Hat, we understand the importance of providing value to developers and customers. With Red Hat Developer Hub validated plugins, developers gain access to a trusted marketplace of high-quality tools and extensions tailored to their needs. There are two categories of plugins available: Red Hat's fully supported plugins and a selection of community-developed plugins validated to be compatible with RHDH.


Info alert:We would love to hear from you if you need additional plugin validation or need new plugins for tools you use. Let us know in the survey here.

Red Hat Plug-ins

NameDescriptionPlug-in versionRHDH versionSupport LevelInformation
3scaleSynchronize 3scale content into the RHDH catalog. PreviewLearn more
Analytics API for SegmentThis plugin provides an implementation of the Backstage Analytics API for Segment1.2.111.0SupportedLearn more
AnsibleAnsible Automation Platform Backstage provider plugin1.5.51.0Tech PreviewLearn more
Application Topology for KubernetesApplication Topology for Kubernetes1. more
Authentication and Authorization with KeycloakLoad users and groups from Keycloak, enabling use of multiple authentication providers to be applied to Backstage entities. more
Container Image Registry for ACRView container image details from ACR in RHDH1.2.281.0Tech PreviewLearn more
Container Image Registry for JFrog ArtifactoryView container image details from JFrog Artifactory in RHDH. PreviewLearn more
Container Image Registry for QuayView container image details from Quay in Backstage. more
Dynamic Plugins Info pluginIt offers a simple table of plugins that are currently installed in Red Hat Developer Hub or Janus IDP that supports client-side sorting, filtering and pagination. more
DynatracePlugin uses the Backstage proxy to communicate with Dynatrace's REST APIs9.0.01.0Tech PreviewLearn more
Multi Cluster View with OCMView clusters from OCM's MultiClusterHub and MultiCluster Engine in Backstage. more
Nexus Repository ManagerView information about the build artifacts in your Nexus Repository Manager in RHDH. PreviewLearn more
Pipelines with TektonEasily view Tekton PipelineRun status for your services in3. more
RBAC UIThe RBAC UI plugin offers a streamlined user interface for effectively managing permissions in your Backstage instance. more
ServiceNowBackstage template actions for ServiceNow. PreviewLearn more
SonarQubeBackstage template actions for SonarQube. PreviewLearn more

Community Plug-ins

NameDescriptionPlug-in versionRHDH versionSupport LevelInformation
ArgoCDView Argo CD status for your projects in Backstage. more
ArgoCD BackendArgo CD Plugin Backend for Backstage2.14.51.0SupportedLearn more
ArgoCD ScaffolderArgoCD actions for the scaffolder-backend. PreviewLearn more
AzureA collection of Backstage scaffolder backend modules for Azure repositories0.1.51.0Tech PreviewLearn more
Azure DevOpsAzure DevOps Plugin for RHDH. PreviewLearn more
Azure DevOps APISimple plugin that proxies requests to the Azure DevOps API. PreviewLearn more
Bitbucket CloudA Backstage catalog backend module that helps integrate towards Bitbucket Cloud. PreviewLearn more
Bitbucket ServerA Backstage catalog backend module that helps integrate towards Bitbucket Server0.1.261.0Tech PreviewLearn more
Catalog APIThis is an extension for the catalog plugin that provides components to discover and display API entities0. more
DataDogEmbed Datadog graphs and dashboards in Backstage. PreviewLearn more
GerritThe gerrit module for @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend. PreviewLearn more
GitHub ActionsBackstage GitHub Actions Plugin. See GitHub Actions builds in RHDH. PreviewLearn more
GitHub InsightsView GitHub Insights for your components in RHDH. PreviewLearn more
GitHub IssuesGitHub Issues plugin. PreviewLearn more
GitHub Pull RequestsView GitHub pull requests for your service in RHDH. PreviewLearn more
GitLabView GitLab pipelines, merge requests, languages and contributors. PreviewLearn more
GitLab ScaffolderGitlab Module for Scaffolder. PreviewLearn more
JenkinsA Backstage plugin that integrates towards Jenkins0.9.51.0Tech PreviewLearn more
Jenkins BackendJenkins backend plugin. PreviewLearn more
JiraView Jira summary for your projects in RHDH. PreviewLearn more
KubernetesBackstage Kubernetes frontend plugin0.11.51.0Tech PreviewLearn more
LighthouseA Backstage plugin that integrates towards Lighthouse0.4.151.0Tech PreviewLearn more
Open APIExtension module to the Catalog backend, providing extensions to resolve $refs in yaml documents0.1.301.0Tech PreviewLearn more
PagerDutyBring the power of PagerDuty to Backstage0. previewLearn more
Scaffolder Bitbucket cloudThe Bitbucket Cloud module for @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend. PreviewLearn more
Scaffolder Bitbucket serverThe Bitbucket Server module for @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend. PreviewLearn more
Scaffolder GitHubThe github module for @backstage/plugin-scaffolder-backend. PreviewLearn more
Scaffolder utility actionsRoadie utils actions for the scaffolder-backend1.13.61.0Tech PreviewLearn more
Security InsightsView Security Insights for your components in RHDH. PreviewLearn more
SonarQubeComponents to display code quality metrics from SonarCloud and SonarQube. PreviewLearn more
Tech RadarVisualize your company's official guidelines of different areas of software development. PreviewLearn more